- Use multipass on OSX with microk8s.
- Explore how to best use K8s in terms of MLOps.
- Work through updated Kubernetes APIs.
- Explore main concept of K8s, which is to automate the management of clusters.
- Original source material for Kubernetes In Action, V2
- Introducing Kubernetes
- Understanding containers
- Deploying your first application
- Introducing Kubernetes API objects
- Running workloads in pods
- Managing the pod lifecycle
- Attaching storage volumes to pods
- Persisting data in PersistentVolumes
- Configuration via ConfigMaps, Secrets and the Downward API
- Organizing objects using Namespaces and Labels
- Exposing pods with Services
- Exposing services with Ingress
- Replicating pods with ReplicaSets
- Managing pods with Deployments
- Deploying stateful workloads with StatefulSets
- Deploying specialized workloads with DaemonSets, Jobs, and CronJobs
- Understanding the Kubernetes API in detail
- Understanding the Control Plane components
- Understanding the Cluster Node components
- Understanding the internal operation of Kubernetes controllers
- Deploying highly-available clusters
- Managing the computing resources available to Pods
- Advanced scheduling using affinity and anti-affinity
- Automatic scaling using the HorizontalPod Autoscaler
- Securing the API using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Protecting cluster nodes
- Securing network communication using NetworkPolicies
- Upgrading, backing up, and restoring Kubernetes clusters
- Adding centralized logging, metrics, alerting and tracing
- Kubernetes development and deployments best practices
- Extending Kubernetes with CustomResource Definitions and operators