gbgithubcoursera / pytorch-deep-learning

Materials for upcoming beginner-friendly PyTorch course (work in progress).

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Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning (work in progress)

I'd like to learn PyTorch. So I'm going to use this repo to:

  1. Add what I've learned.
  2. Teach others in a beginner-friendly way.

Stay tuned to here for updates, course materials are being actively worked on.

Launch early 2022.

Course materials/outline

  • Note: This is rough and subject to change.
  • Course focus: code, code, code, experiment, experiment, experiment
  • Teaching style:
Section What does it cover? Exercises & Extra-curriculum
00 - PyTorch Fundamentals Many fundamental PyTorch operations used for deep learning and neural networks. Go to exercises & extra-curriculum
01 - PyTorch Workflow Provides an outline for approaching deep learning problems and building neural networks with PyTorch. Go to exercises & extra-curriculum
02 - PyTorch Neural Network Classification Uses the PyTorch workflow from 01 to go through a neural network classification problem. Go to exercises & extra-curriculum
Coming soon: 03 - PyTorch Computer Vision Let's see how PyTorch can be used for computer vision problems using the same workflow from 01 & 02. Go to exercises & extra-curriculum
Coming soon: 04 - PyTorch Custom Datasets How do you load a custom dataset into PyTorch? Also we'll be laying the foundations in this notebook for our modular code (covered in 05). Go to exercises & extra-curriculum
Coming soon: 05 - Going modular PyTorch is designed to be modular, let's turn what we've created into a series of Python scripts (this is how you'll often find PyTorch code in the wild). Go to exercises & extra-curriculum
Coming soon: 06 - PyTorch Transfer Learning Let's take a well performing pre-trained model and adjust it to one of our own problems. Go to exercises & extra-curriculum
Coming soon: 07 - Milestone Project 1: PyTorch Experiment Tracking We've built a bunch of models... wouldn't it be good to track how they're all going? Go to exercises & extra-curriculum
Coming soon: 08 - Milestone Project 2: PyTorch Paper Replicating PyTorch is the most popular deep learning framework for machine learning research, let's see why by replicating a machine learning paper. Go to exercises & extra-curriculum

Old outline version (will update this if necessary)

  1. PyTorch fundamentals - ML is all about representing data as numbers (tensors) and manipulating those tensors so this module will cover PyTorch tensors.
  2. PyTorch workflow - You'll use different techniques for different problem types but the workflow remains much the same:
data -> build model -> fit model to data (training) -> evaluate model and make predictions (inference) -> save & load model

Module 1 will showcase an end-to-end PyTorch workflow that can be leveraged for other problems.

  1. PyTorch classification - Let's take the workflow we learned in module 1 and apply it to a common machine learning problem type: classification (deciding whether something is one thing or another).
  2. PyTorch computer vision - We'll get even more specific now and see how PyTorch can be used for computer vision problems though still using the same workflow from 1 & 2. We'll also start functionizing the code we've been writing, for example: def train(model, data, optimizer, loss_fn): ...
  3. PyTorch custom datasets - How do you load a custom dataset into PyTorch? Also we'll be laying the foundations in this notebook for our modular code (covered in 05).
  4. Going modular - PyTorch is designed to be modular, let's turn what we've created into a series of Python scripts (this is how you'll often find PyTorch code in the wild). For example:
code/ <- sets up data <- builds the model ready to be used <- training/eval functions for the model <- trains and saves the model
  1. PyTorch transfer learning - Let's improve upon the models we've built ourselves using transfer learning.
  2. PyTorch experiment tracking - We've built a bunch of models... wouldn't it be good to track how they're all going?
  3. PyTorch paper replicating - Let's see why PyTorch is the most popular deep learning framework for machine learning research by replicating a machine learning research paper with it.

Each notebook will teach a maximum of 3 big ideas.


  • Working on: recording videos for 00
  • Total video count: 24
  • Next: recording videos for 00, 01, 02
  • Done skeleton code for: 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07
  • Done annotations (text) for: 00, 01, 02
  • Done images for: 00, 01, 02
  • Done keynotes for: 00, 01, 02
  • Done vidoes for:


See the project page for specifics -

High-level overview of things to do:

  • How to use this repo (e.g. env setup, GPU/no GPU) - all notebooks should run fine in Colab and locally if needed.
  • Finish skeleton code for notebooks 00 - 07 ✅
  • Write annotations for 00 - 07
  • Make images for 00 - 07
  • Make slides for 00 - 07
  • Record videos for 00 - 07


Almost daily updates of what's happening.

  • 18 Feb 2021 - recorded 13 videos for section 00
  • 17 Feb 2021 - recorded 11 videos for section 00
  • 16 Feb 2021 - added setup guide
  • 12 Feb 2021 - tidy up README with table of course materials, finish images and slides for 01
  • 10 Feb 2021 - finished slides and images for 00, notebook is ready for publishing:
  • 01-07 Feb 2021 - add annotations for 02, finished, still need images, going to work on exercises/solutions today
  • 31 Jan 2021 - start adding annotations for 02
  • 28 Jan 2021 - add exercies and solutions for 01
  • 26 Jan 2021 - lots more annotations to 01, should be finished tomorrow, will do exercises + solutions then too
  • 24 Jan 2021 - add a bunch of annotations to 01
  • 21 Jan 2021 - start adding annotations for 01
  • 20 Jan 2021 - finish annotations for 00 (still need to add images), add exercises and solutions for 00
  • 19 Jan 2021 - add more annotations for 00
  • 18 Jan 2021 - add more annotations for 00
  • 17 Jan 2021 - back from holidays, adding more annotations to 00
  • 10 Dec 2021 - start adding annoations for 00
  • 9 Dec 2021 - Created a website for the course ( you'll see updates posted there as development continues
  • 8 Dec 2021 - Clean up notebook 07, starting to go back through code and add annotations
  • 26 Nov 2021 - Finish skeleton code for 07, added four different experiments, need to clean up and make more straightforward
  • 25 Nov 2021 - clean code for 06, add skeleton code for 07 (experiment tracking)
  • 24 Nov 2021 - Update 04, 05, 06 notebooks for easier digestion and learning, each section should cover a max of 3 big ideas, 05 is now dedicated to turning notebook code into modular code
  • 22 Nov 2021 - Update 04 train and test functions to make more straightforward
  • 19 Nov 2021 - Added 05 (transfer learning) notebook, update custom data loading code in 04
  • 18 Nov 2021 - Updated vision code for 03 and added custom dataset loading code in 04
  • 12 Nov 2021 - Added a bunch of skeleton code to notebook 04 for custom dataset loading, next is modelling with custom data
  • 10 Nov 2021 - researching best practice for custom datasets for 04
  • 9 Nov 2021 - Update 03 skeleton code to finish off building CNN model, onto 04 for loading custom datasets
  • 4 Nov 2021 - Add GPU code to 03 + train/test loops +
  • 3 Nov 2021 - Add basic start for 03, going to finish by end of week
  • 29 Oct 2021 - Tidied up skeleton code for 02, still a few more things to clean/tidy, created 03
  • 28 Oct 2021 - Finished skeleton code for 02, going to clean/tidy tomorrow, 03 next week
  • 27 Oct 2021 - add a bunch of code for 02, going to finish tomorrow/by end of week
  • 26 Oct 2021 - update 00, 01, 02 with outline/code, skeleton code for 00 & 01 done, 02 next
  • 23, 24 Oct 2021 - update 00 and 01 notebooks with more outline/code
  • 20 Oct 2021 - add v0 outlines for 01 and 02, add rough outline of course to README, this course will focus on less but better
  • 19 Oct 2021 - Start repo 🔥, add fundamentals notebook draft v0


Materials for upcoming beginner-friendly PyTorch course (work in progress).

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.7%Language:Python 0.3%