gavinha / Keraon

A tool for estimating heterogenous phenotype fractions from ctDNA features

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Keraon, named for the Greek god of mixing wine, is a tool for estimating the contributing fraction of different cancer phenotypes in (possibly heterogeneous) cell free tumor DNA from liquid biopsies. The method depends on reference samples of known, "pure" phenotypes (inlcuding healthy) which define phenotype anchors by which additional samples of unknown phenotype are compared.


Robert Patton

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center


Date: September 29, 2022



Software packages or libraries

  • Python 3.8.6
    • Numpy 1.22.3
    • Pandas 1.2.3
    • Scipy 1.8.0
    • Seaborn 0.11.1 (for plotting only)



  • GriffinFeatureMatrix_WGS.tsv (Griffin-based features for UW cohort and DFCI cohort II - WGS)
  • GriffinFeatureMatrix_ULP.tsv (Griffin-based features for UW cohort and DFCI cohort II - ULP)
  • GriffinFeatureMatrix_DFCI1.tsv (Griffin-based features for DFCI cohort I - ULP)
  • GriffinFeatureMatrix_Triplets.tsv (Griffin-based features for 25x mixed phenotype admixtures)
  • GriffinFeatureMatrix_LuCaP.tsv (Griffin-based features for LuCaP [prostate cancer phenotype] anchors)
  • GriffinFeatureMatrix_HealthyDonor.tsv (Griffin-based features for LuCaP [prostate cancer phenotype] anchors)
  • DFCI1_TFX_Subtypes.tsv (IchorCNA tumor fraction estimates and known histologies for DFCI cohort I)
  • LuCaP_subtypes.tsv (LuCaP PDX phenotypes)
  • patient_subtypes.tsv (known patient histologies for UW cohort and DFCI cochort II)
  • ULP_TF_hg19.txt (IchorCNA tumor fraction estimates for UW cohort and DFCI cohort II - ULP)
  • WGS_TF_hg19.txt (IchorCNA tumor fraction estimates for UW cohort and DFCI cohort II - WGS)

Run the analysis

1. Run to process example data

Make a local copy of the Keraon main folder and navigate to the scripts folder. After loading Python 3.8.6 and required modules run directly to generate results locally.

2. Using the tool as a stand-alone

Functions from may be imported directly into other scripts; see for examples on how to format data and incorporate into a new script.


This model takes in two dataframes: ref_df contains a list of "pure" samples with known subtype 'Subtype' including 'Healthy' (for basis anchoring) and non-correlated features of interest; df contains test samples of unknown (possibly mixed) subtype or mixed subtype and tumor fraction 'TFX'. This model assumes passed features are non-correlated, normally distributed within each subtype in the reference, and that feature values scale linearly with tumor fraction. The number of subtypes is denoted K (including healthy) and the number of features is denoted F below. The algorithm is most accurate when anchor distributions are tightly defined, and subtypes are separated from healthy. Features may be evaluated and reduced using the helper functions:

  • diff_exp(), for finding differentially regulated features between anchors
  • norm_exp(), for testing normalcy within anchors
  • corr_exp(), for evaluating and removing inter-feature correlations
  • plot_feature_space(), for visualizing anchors when F = 2 (K = 3)

The algorithm works as follows:


As a pre-processing step, the model first computes the mean vector μ_i and covariance matrix Σ_i for each anchor class i in K, under the assumption that each subtype (including healthy) fits a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Based on model constraints, K - 1 non-correlated features fully specify the system, and so for example for ARPC:NEPC:Healthy (K = 3) fraction estimation we limited analyses to sets of two features of interest (F = 2).


Next, for each sample defined by some location in feature space v and estimated tumor fraction t a change of basis is performed to translate the sample’s location from feature space to class space, where each (not necessarily orthogonal) axis defines a single phenotype, and the origin represents pure healthy. If F = K -1, this is accomplished by solving the determined, linear matrix equation for the shifted basis components X:


Where B = [μ_(i /= HD)- μ_HD] is the matrix defining all basis vectors from the healthy mean anchor to each phenotype mean anchor, and S is the vector from the healthy mean anchor to the sample of interest, S = v - μ_HD. If the system is overdetermined (F > K – 1), least squares is used to estimate the approximate solution. This step allows us to learn where in the class space the sample lies, which determines how estimates are evaluated:

Anchor Space: if all basis components are positive then the sample lies within the volume of order K – 1 which has vertices defined by the class means. The relative ratio of basis component magnitudes in the direction of each class are corrected by estimated tumor fraction directly


Contra Space: if all basis components are negative then the sample lies within the volume of order K – 1 which forms a reflection of that formed by the class vertices about healthy. Component fractions for each basis are computed to capture the inverse distance from the healthy anchor, such that


Extra Space: if some basis components are positive but others are negative, the sample lies in some space outside of the anchor or contra space. In this case only positive contributions are considered, such that for all i with X_i > 0



The tumor fraction normalized basis component estimates have range [0,1], where values directly correspond to the total fraction of each class in the sample. Basis-predictions output by Keraon include fractional estimates of each supplied subtype/anchor for each sample, as well as the class space.

Software License

Keraon Copyright (c) 2022 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center All rights reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause-Clear license. No licenses are granted to any patent rights of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the BSD-3-Clause-Clear license for more details.

You should have received a copy of the G BSD-3-Clause-Clear license along with this program. If not, see


A tool for estimating heterogenous phenotype fractions from ctDNA features



Language:Python 100.0%