gautierdelorme / proxpaas

PaaS on top of Proxmox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Developer setup


macOS requirements

Install Xcode command line tools
xcode-select --install
Install Homebrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
Install rbenv
brew install rbenv
rbenv init
echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.bash_profile

Linux requirements

Install rbenv
sudo apt-get install autoconf bison build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev libgdbm3 libgdbm-dev
git clone ~/.rbenv
mkdir -p ~/.rbenv/plugins
git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Project setup

Go to the project directory

git clone
cd proxpaas

Install the required version of Ruby

rbenv install
rbenv rehash

Install Bundler

gem install bundler
rbenv rehash

Install required gems

bundle install
rbenv rehash

Initial setup and start

rake db:setup
ruby app.rb

Project Overview


  • Web app built in Ruby (using Sinatra to define the API)
  • CLI tool written in pure bash
  • SQLite3 was chosen as a simple database
  • Git as versioning system


  • cli/: contains the CLI tool
    • proxpaas-cli used to create and push an app to the cloud infrastructure
  • db/: contains database related files (schema, migrations...)
  • lib/:
    • prox_client: Proxpaas client used to manage the cloud infrastructure
    • proxmox_config: Proxpaas client configuration file
    • proxmox: Promox API ruby client (based on Nicolas Ledez's work)
  • models/: contains only the ProxApp class modeling a proxmox hosted app
  • app.rb: The main part of Proxpass where is defined the API.

How it works


  • You need to have an instance of Proxpaas running
  • To connect to Proxmox you need to set PROXMOX_LOGIN and PROXMOX_PASSWORD environment variables or edit the lib/proxmox_config.rb file.
  • CLI tool default Proxpaas host is http://localhost:4567. You can set the PROXPAAS_HOST environment variable to use another one.
  • You need to add the Proxpaas CLI directory to your PATH: export PATH=/path/to/proxpaas/cli/:$PATH
  • You can check if it works with proxpaas-cli -h


Usage: proxpaas-cli [-h] [-c] [-p] [-u]

  -h  Help. Display this message and quit.
  -c  Create the app.
  -p  Push the app.
  -u  Print the app URL.

Create your project directory

Go inside and create the index.html file inside

mkdir awesome_project
cd awesome_project
echo "Hello world" > index.html

Init Proxpaas in your project directory

proxpaas-cli -c

You should see Proxpaas initialization....

During the setup Proxpaas will

  • Create a container in Proxmox to host your app
  • Install two utilities in the container (and all dependencies like curl and nodejs):
    • http-server: To serve your application
    • forever: To keep your application alive

Once it's done you should see a .proxpaas_config (used to identify your app) in your project directory and this message in the console:

Proxpaas is setup!
Use proxpaas-cli -p to deploy your app.
Use proxpaas-cli -u to print your app URL.

You are now ready to deploy your app.

Deploy your project

Go back to your project directory and deploy it using Proxpaas.

proxpaas-cli -p

You should see Deploying app... it means Proxpaas is deploying your app to the cloud. During the deployment Proxpaas will:

  1. Create an archive of your app.
  2. Upload it to the container using SCP.
  3. Stop the server on the container.
  4. Replace (if it exists) the previous app (likely a previous version of the same app) hosted in the container with the new one.
  5. Start again the server.

Once the deployment is done you should see:

Your app has been deployed!
Your app is accessible from here: X.X.X.X

Watch your app alive on the Internet

From your web browser go to the given IP to see your awesome application alive!

Deploy a new version

In your project directory update your index.html:

echo "NEW CRAZY V2" >> index.html

Then deploy your app again

proxpaas-cli -p

Once it's deployed, from your web browser you can see the new version alive.

Of course you can create and deploy more complex web applications using HTML/CSS/JS.

Improvements to do

  • Remove manual intervention to setup a Proxpaas application (find the container IP programmatically) (fixed by PR#1)
  • Move from SCP archived project directory to another system for deployment (rsync, git...)
  • Remove downtime during deployment (using side A / side B or other strategies...)
  • Support more technologies (servers, languages, build processes...)
  • Build a UI to manage apps
  • ...


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


PaaS on top of Proxmox

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 88.4%Language:Shell 11.6%