gauravraj / dropwizard-service-bootstrap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Myntra For You (MFY)

This is a dropwizard based service which has following dependencies:

  • guava: 23.0
  • guice: 4.2.0
  • dropwizard: 0.9.2
  • drools: 7.38.0.Final
  • prometheus simpleclient: 0.9.0

Project Structure

  • com.myntra.hackathon - Contains the webservice related code.
    • resources/config - Contains configuration files for starting the application. Use -local.yml for running it locally and similarly for stage and production
    • configuration - Configuration class required by the application. Some of them will be responsible for reading the values from .yml file.
    • service - Manager classes handle the business logic. Resource classes interact with manager classes which are stored in this package.
    • models - The POJOs and other models required by the project will be maintained in this package.
    • persist - This package contains the DAO classes required by the application.
    • resources.v1 - Resources/API classes are maintained here. Swagger picks up resource definitions from here
    • utils - Service related utility codes are maintained in this package
    • - Module class responsible for providing all Guice injections to the application
    • - Main class responsible for initializing the service.


  • Go to project home folder and type mvn clean install
  • After the compilation completes successfully, execute the MfyService using any of the IDEs with following configurations
    • Main Class: com.myntra.hackathon.MfyServiceMain
    • Promgram arguments: server src/main/resources/config/config-local.yml. You can change the yml file depending on the requirement.
    • JRE: Java 1.8

After executing the service, following endpoints will become active -



Language:Java 100.0%