gauravkeshre / iOSDevMachineBootstrap

Some steps to bootstrap development machine. Most of this is what I do, there could be better ways.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Setting up new machine for iOS development

Important: Some of the steps are not even iOS development specific. Just for regular developer tools and scripts to catalyze the development process.

Set up development directory

It is good practice to create a Workspace directory at ~/ There you can create following directory

+-- Workspace
    +-- Shells
    +-- git
        +-- <forked repositories>
    +-- work
        +-- <project name>
        +-- documentations
        +-- design

Custom Terminal Commands

• Custom Shell scripts

All customized terminal commands are store inside Shell directory in this repo. Just paste it inside the Workspace directory.

• bash_profile

To be able to consume this bash shells you need to update/create the ~/.bash_profile

  1. Copy the content from _bash_profile file in the repo.
  2. Paste it inside the ~/.bash_profile.

Simulator in Full screen

run the following command to run simulator in full screen mode.

defaults write AllowFullscreenMode -bool YES



Download the custom themes from under ~/Workspace/git.



cd ~/.ssh

#create a public private key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "<email_address_recommended"

#copy the public key to be placed in git repo settings
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

pre-commit hooks

At times you will need to setup pre-commit hooks so that you don't accidentally commit temp checks.

Refer to _pre-commit file in this repo to get some idea.

Updating/Creating pre-commit file

touch ./.git/hooks/pre-commit

Fix committers for specific folders

You will not always want to commit with same mail ID. for example for work you want to commit with your work mail id in git-config and for personal git repo you want to use your personal email.

Either you can go to every specific project folder and update the git config as:

git config --local <preferred user name>
git config --local <preferred email>

Or you can create certain rules for the same:

  1. Create two individual gitconfig files, one for personal and one for work use as:
touch ~/.gitconfig-work

touch ~/.gitconfig-me

refer to both the files in this repo

  1. Open gitignore in the root folder
e ~/.gitignore

Refer to the _gitignore file in this repo to see the changes


Some steps to bootstrap development machine. Most of this is what I do, there could be better ways.


Language:Shell 100.0%