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List of bugs found in distributed protocols

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Errors found in distributed protocols

This page collects bugs (errors) discovered in the description of distributed protocols. We are only interested in bugs in the protocols themselves, not implementation bugs. Please submit a pull request if you know of an error that is not listed!

The table below is generated from table.tex. Please edit that file if you are making a pull request.

Table of errors

Protocol Reference Violation Counter-example
PBFT[1] [Castro and Liskov 1999] liveness [Berger et al. 2021]
Chord [Stoica et al. 2001; Liben-Nowell et al. 2002] liveness[2] [Zave 2012; Zave 2017]
Pastry [Rowstron and Druschel 2001] safety [Azmy et al. 2016; Azmy et al. 2018]
Generalised Paxos [Lamport 2005] non-triviality[3] [Sutra and Shapiro 2010]
FaB Paxos [Martin and Alvisi 2005; Martin and Alvisi 2006] liveness [Abraham et al. 2017]
Multi-Paxos[4] [Chandra et al. 2007] safety [Michael et al. 2017]
Zyzzyva [Kotla et al. 2007; Kotla et al. 2010] safety [Abraham et al. 2017]
CRAQ [Terrace and Freedman 2009] safety[5] [Whittaker 2020]
JPaxos [Kończak et al. 2011] safety [Michael et al. 2017]
VR Revisited [Liskov and Cowling 2012] safety [Michael et al. 2017]
EPaxos [Moraru et al. 2013] safety [Sutra 2020]
EPaxos [Moraru et al. 2013] safety [Whittaker 2021]
Raft [Ongaro and Ousterhout 2014] liveness[6] [Hoch 2014]
Raft [Ongaro 2014] safety[7] [Amos and Zhang 2015; Ongaro 2015]
Raft [Ongaro and Ousterhout 2014; Ongaro 2014] liveness [Howard and Abraham 2020; Jensen et al. 2021]
hBFT [Duan et al. 2015] safety [Shrestha et al. 2019]
Tendermint [Buchman 2016] liveness [Cachin and Vukolić 2017]
CAESAR [Arun et al. 2017] liveness [Enes et al. 2021]
DPaxos [Nawab et al. 2018] safety [Whittaker et al. 2021]
Sync HotStuff [Abraham et al. 2019] safety & liveness [Momose and Cruz 2019]
Gasper [Buterin et al. 2020] safety & liveness [Neu et al. 2021]


  1. With the read-only optimisation.

  2. Eventual reachability is Chord’s key correctness property.

  3. Acceptors might accept commands that have not been proposed.

  4. As described in Paxos Made Live.

  5. Client reads might fail due to incorrect garbage collection.

  6. The joint consensus membership change algorithm described in the paper version of Raft had a liveness bug, which was fixed in Ongaro’s PhD thesis.

  7. The bug is in the single-server membership change scheme described in Ongaro’s thesis.


The following people suggested additions to the list:


Abraham, I., Gueta, G., Malkhi, D., Alvisi, L., Kotla, R., and Martin, J.-P. 2017. Revisiting Fast Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance. arXiv:1712.01367 [cs].

Abraham, I., Malkhi, D., Nayak, K., Ren, L., and Yin, M. 2019. Sync HotStuff: Simple and Practical Synchronous State Machine Replication..

Amos, B. and Zhang, H. 2015. 15-812 Term Paper: Specifying and proving cluster membership for the Raft distributed consensus algorithm..

Arun, B., Peluso, S., Palmieri, R., Losa, G., and Ravindran, B. 2017. Speeding up Consensus by Chasing Fast Decisions. 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 49–60.

Azmy, N., Merz, S., and Weidenbach, C. 2016. A Rigorous Correctness Proof for Pastry. In: M. Butler, K.-D. Schewe, A. Mashkoor and M. Biro, eds., Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 86–101.

Azmy, N., Merz, S., and Weidenbach, C. 2018. A machine-checked correctness proof for Pastry. Science of Computer Programming 158, 64–80.

Berger, C., Reiser, H.P., and Bessani, A. 2021. Making Reads in BFT State Machine Replication Fast, Linearizable, and Live. arXiv:2107.11144 [cs].

Buchman, E. 2016. Tendermint: Byzantine Fault Tolerance in the Age of Blockchains.

Buterin, V., Hernandez, D., Kamphefner, T., et al. 2020. Combining GHOST and Casper. arXiv:2003.03052 [cs].

Cachin, C. and Vukolić, M. 2017. Blockchain Consensus Protocols in the Wild. arXiv:1707.01873 [cs].

Castro, M. and Liskov, B. 1999. Practical byzantine fault tolerance. 3rd symposium on operating systems design and implementation (OSDI 99), USENIX Association.

Chandra, T.D., Griesemer, R., and Redstone, J. 2007. Paxos made live: An engineering perspective. Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing - PODC ’07, ACM Press, 398–407.

Duan, S., Peisert, S., and Levitt, K.N. 2015. hBFT: Speculative Byzantine Fault Tolerance with Minimum Cost. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 12, 1, 58–70.

Enes, V., Baquero, C., Gotsman, A., and Sutra, P. 2021. Efficient replication via timestamp stability. Proceedings of the Sixteenth European Conference on Computer Systems, ACM, 178–193.

Howard, H. and Abraham, I. 2020. Raft does not Guarantee Liveness in the face of Network Faults.

Jensen, C., Howard, H., and Mortier, R. 2021. Examining Raft’s behaviour during partial network failures. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on High Availability and Observability of Cloud Systems, Association for Computing Machinery, 11–17.

Kończak, J., Sousa Santos, N.F. de, Żurkowski, T., Wojciechowski, P.T., and Schiper, A. 2011. JPaxos: State machine replication based on the Paxos protocol..

Kotla, R., Alvisi, L., Dahlin, M., Clement, A., and Wong, E. 2007. Zyzzyva: Speculative byzantine fault tolerance. SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 41, 6, 45–58.

Kotla, R., Alvisi, L., Dahlin, M., Clement, A., and Wong, E. 2010. Zyzzyva: Speculative byzantine fault tolerance. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 27, 4.

Lamport, L. 2005. Generalized Consensus and Paxos. Microsoft Research.

Liben-Nowell, D., Balakrishnan, H., and Karger, D. 2002. Analysis of the evolution of peer-to-peer systems. Proceedings of the twenty-first annual symposium on principles of distributed computing, Association for Computing Machinery, 233–242.

Liskov, B. and Cowling, J. 2012. Viewstamped Replication Revisited..

Martin, J.-P. and Alvisi, L. 2005. Fast Byzantine Consensus. 2005 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’05), 402–411.

Martin, J.-P. and Alvisi, L. 2006. Fast Byzantine Consensus. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 3, 3, 202–215.

Michael, E., Ports, D.R.K., Sharma, N.K., and Szekeres, A. 2017. Recovering Shared Objects Without Stable Storage. 27.

Momose, A. and Cruz, J.P. 2019. Force-Locking Attack on Sync Hotstuff..

Moraru, I., Andersen, D.G., and Kaminsky, M. 2013. There is more consensus in Egalitarian parliaments. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Association for Computing Machinery, 358–372.

Nawab, F., Agrawal, D., and El Abbadi, A. 2018. DPaxos: Managing Data Closer to Users for Low-Latency and Mobile Applications. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, Association for Computing Machinery, 1221–1236.

Neu, J., Tas, E.N., and Tse, D. 2021. Ebb-and-Flow Protocols: A Resolution of the Availability-Finality Dilemma. arXiv:2009.04987 [cs].

Ongaro, D. 2014. Consensus: Bridging theory and practice..

Ongaro, D. 2015. Bug in single-server membership changes.

Ongaro, D. and Ousterhout, J. 2014. In search of an understandable consensus algorithm. Proceedings of the 2014 usenix conference on usenix annual technical conference, USENIX Association, 305–320.

Rowstron, A. and Druschel, P. 2001. Pastry: Scalable, Decentralized Object Location, and Routing for Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Systems. Middleware 2001, Springer, 329–350.

Shrestha, N., Kumar, M., and Duan, S. 2019. Revisiting hBFT: Speculative Byzantine Fault Tolerance with Minimum Cost. arXiv:1902.08505 [cs].

Stoica, I., Morris, R., Karger, D., Kaashoek, M.F., and Balakrishnan, H. 2001. Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 31, 4, 149–160.

Sutra, P. 2020. On the correctness of Egalitarian Paxos. Information Processing Letters 156.

Sutra, P. and Shapiro, M. 2010. Fast Genuine Generalized Consensus..

Terrace, J. and Freedman, M.J. 2009. Object Storage on {CRAQ}: High-Throughput Chain Replication for Read-Mostly Workloads..

Whittaker, M. 2020. CRAQ Bug.

Whittaker, M., Hellerstein, J.M., Giridharan, N., Szekeres, A., Howard, H., and Nawab, F. 2021. Matchmaker Paxos: A Reconfigurable Consensus Protocol. Journal of Systems Research, 22.

Zave, P. 2012. Using lightweight modeling to understand chord. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 42, 2, 49–57.

Zave, P. 2017. Reasoning About Identifier Spaces: How to Make Chord Correct. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 43, 12, 1144–1156.


List of bugs found in distributed protocols


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