garymcm / wsprnet_api

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wsprnet_api - Documentation for using the API

At this point in time the API is invite only. Please send me a note if you want to be included. There are some infrastructure concerns that we need to deal with before we open this up.

Good citizenship

  • Do not request the same query more frequently than every 2 minutes.
  • Avoid the 2 minute boundaries, since that's when the user uploads all hit, and the server is busiest.
  • Always take the minimal amount data you need.
  • If you want a full feed of every spot DO NOT USE THIS API. We will work directly with sites for peering arrangements, so please reach out to the admins.


Three endpoints are provided:

  • spots - Returns all spots, unsummarized.
  • paths - Returns one spot per Call, Reporter, Call Grid, Reporter Grid. This is exactly what the map query renders.
  • status - Stations occasionally upload their status, which includes band and TX %. This API returns the recent statuses.

API Parameters

The following table shows the parameters enabled on a specific endpoint. Parameters can be passed via GET or POST. All parameters are optional, but please note the values in parentheses are defaults.

Endpoint spotnum_start band (30m) minutes (4) callsign reporter exclude_special (1)
wsprnet/spots/json X X X X X X
wsprnet/paths/json X X X X
wsprnet/status/json X X X X
  • spotnum_start - each Spot gets a Unique ID. The API returns spots greater than the passed value.
  • band - see 'Band Values' below
  • minutes - number of minutes to retrieve. 24 hours of Spots are available from this API. Should be an even number1.
  • callsign - filters by the Transmitting Station's call sign.
  • reporter - filters by the Reporting Station's call sign2.
  • exclude_special - 0 or 1. Excludes balloon station telemetry call signs.

1 Spots are timestamped with the start of the 2 minute cycle they were decoded, i.e. xx:00, xx:02 etc. So at any instant the database will be populated with spots from 2 cycles back, i.e. -4 minutes from the current time.

2 When the Call and Reporter call signs are identical, then the results will include Spots where Call or Reporter match; otherwise, it's where Call and Reporter match.

Band Values

Note: The WSPRNet ingress process takes the reported frequency and applies Math.floor() then stores the resultant integer in the band field (unless the reported frequency is less than 0.25 Mhz (LF), which is recorded as -1). So any missing band(s) in the list can still be retrieved. However, we appreciate PRs to keep list up to date.

Band band parameter
-1 LF
0 MF
1 160m
3 80m
5 60m
7 40m
10 30m
14 20m
18 17m
21 15m
24 12m
28 10m
40 8m
50 6m
70 4m
144 2m
432 70cm
1296 23cm
All All bands

Modes (code field)

The Mode being used on WSJT-x is stored in the code field. It decodes as follows:

Code Mode
-1 Unknown
1 WSPR-2
2 FST4W-900 / WSPR-15
3 FST4W-120
4 FST4W-300
8 FST4W-1800

Sample Output


        "Spotnum": "1451509949",
        "Date": "1548761280",
        "Reporter": "AE2EA",
        "ReporterGrid": "FN12fr",
        "dB": "-12",
        "MHz": "0.475674",
        "CallSign": "AA1A",
        "Grid": "FN42pb",
        "Power": "30",
        "Drift": "0",
        "distance": "566",
        "azimuth": "280",
        "Band": "0",
        "version": "4.0 r4889",
        "code": "0"
        "Spotnum": "1451509948",
        "Date": "1548761280",
        "Reporter": "F5VBD",
        "ReporterGrid": "JN25xo",
        "dB": "-15",
        "MHz": "10.140152",
        "CallSign": "2E0XVX",
        "Grid": "IO92ml",
        "Power": "23",
        "Drift": "0",
        "distance": "915",
        "azimuth": "144",
        "Band": "10",
        "version": "1.3 Kiwi",
        "code": "0"


        "CallSign": "UR5MLG",
        "Reporter": "DK0ABT",
        "distance": "2139",
        "Grid": "KN99",
        "ReporterGrid": "JN49pb"
        "CallSign": "MW0CWF",
        "Reporter": "DK0ABT",
        "distance": "932",
        "Grid": "IO81ik",
        "ReporterGrid": "JN49pb"


        "callsign": "AE0CV",
        "grid": "DM79",
        "rx": "10.140200",
        "tx": "10.140200",
        "tpct": "0",
        "dbm": "37",
        "band": "10"
        "callsign": "BM4AIK",
        "grid": "PL02DP",
        "rx": "10.140180",
        "tx": "10.140200",
        "tpct": "0",
        "dbm": "0",
        "band": "10"
        "callsign": "DC6EB",
        "grid": "JN49",
        "rx": "10.140200",
        "tx": "10.140200",
        "tpct": "0",
        "dbm": "37",
        "band": "10"

Session Management

In order to access the endpoints the following has been created:

1. Login



Content-Type: application/json


"name": "wsprnet_login"
"pass": "wsprnet_pass"

2. Sesssion Cookie

Login will return a JSON body. In it find these properties:

"sessid": "e8T0xDx-FkgT-Cwd6FPjdWaZqGxi8GXLFm1rPdSWI9Q"
"session_name": "SESS70f94c916a4e1b4938c6d4158a067062"
"token": "DYjQo4GYmnT9NHELLxe5efARQ0yfZByr0DY5VC94cUM"

Going forward add the header:

Cookie: SESS70f94c916a4e1b4938c6d4158a067062=e8T0xDx-FkgT-Cwd6FPjdWaZqGxi8GXLFm1rPdSWI9Q

i.e. Cookie: {sesssion_name}={sessid}

3. Logout


X-CSRF-Token: {token from step 2 above}
Cookie: {from step 2}
Content-Type: application/json


