garyForeman / FermiBootstrap

generates bootstrapped realizations of Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope photon files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Author: Gary Foreman
Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope data access


  • numpy
  • pyfits

Serial generates a user specified number of bootstrapped realizations of a user specified Fermi photon file. Code also includes capability to perform energy filtering such that the bootstrapped files need not contain photons you will throw away when you run gt_apps.filter.


$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--emin <min_energy>] [--emax <max_energy>]
                      <path> <realizations>

Produce bootstrap samples of a Fermi photon file list.

positional arguments:
  <path>               The fits file you wish to bootstrap
  <realizations>       Number of bootstrap realizations you wish to generate

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --emin <min_energy>  Lower energy bound you wish to filter (MeV)
  --emax <max_energy>  Upper energy bound you wish to filter (MeV)

This will create 10 realizations of L1406121050095451CC7F93_PH00.fits with photons in the energy range of 200 MeV to 20 GeV. The realizations are named L1406121050095451CC7F93_PH00_bs_[0-9].fits:

$ ./ L1406121050095451CC7F93_PH00.fits 10 --emin 200.0 --emax 20000.0

Parallel generates a user specified number of bootstrapped realizations of a list of Fermi photon files. This code is a parallel wrapper for the code and distributes work by calling the gtbootstrap function with a different photon file name for each thread. This means, in its current version, this code will not benefit from using more processors, N_p, than number of photon files, N_f; the extra N_p - N_f threads would remain idle. If you wish, for exampe, to use 20 threads to generate 20 realizations of 10 photon files, I recommend running one instance of to generate the first 10 realizations on 10 processors, and a second instance to generate the next 10 realization on 10 separate processors. If you wish to do this, make sure you use two separate run directories to avoid name conflicts of the output files.


$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--emin <min_energy>] [--emax <max_energy>]
                         <jobs> <path> <realizations>

Multithreaded wrapper for the gtbootstrap function. Parses command line
arguments, and devides work based on the number of photon files given in the
events list.

positional arguments:
  <jobs>               The number of threads you wish to use.
  <path>               File containing your list of photon files.
  <realizations>       Number of bootstrap realizations you wish to generate.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --emin <min_energy>  Lower energy bound you wish to filter (MeV).
  --emax <max_energy>  Upper energy bound you wish to filter (MeV).

This will create 10 realizations of each of the photon files listed in SMC_70m_events.list with photons in the energy range of 200 MeV to 20 GeV. The task will create pool of nine parallel threads (one per photon file). :

$ ./ 9 SMC_70m_events.list 10 --emin 200. --emax 20000.

The content of SMC_70m_events.list is:



generates bootstrapped realizations of Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope photon files


Language:Python 100.0%