garsonlab / UnityShaderRepository


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unity Shader Repository

Use Unity Version > 5 当前使用Unity版本大于5

Table of Contents



2.1 Rotate Mask 旋转裁剪

    fixed4 frag (v2f i) : COLOR
        float2 center = float2(_CenterX, _CenterY);//自定义旋转中心点
        float2 uv = i.uv.xy - center;//当前点对应中心点的相对坐标
        // 旋转矩阵的公式: (cos - sin, sin + cos)顺时针
        float cosVal = cos(_RotateSpeed*_Time.y);
        float sinVal = sin(_RotateSpeed*_Time.y);
        uv = mul(uv, float2x2(cosVal, -sinVal, sinVal, cosVal)) + center;

        fixed4 color = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv.xy)*_Color;
        color.a = color.a * tex2D(_MaskTex, uv).a;//用MaskTex的a做裁剪
        return color;

2.2 Rect Soft Mask 矩形软裁剪

    if (_UseClipRect) 
        float2 factor = float2(0.0,0.0);
        float2 tempXY = (i.worldPos.xy - _ClipRect.xy)/float2(_SoftClipLeft, _SoftClipBottom)*step(_ClipRect.xy, i.worldPos.xy);
        factor = max(factor,tempXY);
        float2 tempZW = (, _SoftClipTop)*step(i.worldPos.xy,;
        factor = min(factor,tempZW);
        color.a *= clamp(min(factor.x,factor.y),0.0,1.0);

2.3 Custom Soft Mask 自定义形状软裁剪,支持反转

Mask need Component "Rect Mask 2D" in parent, Only one DrawCall. Base on .

3.1 Source from Candycat1992

4 Rain Effect 雨效

4.1 Souce from RainDropEffect

5.1 Image Grey, Support UGUI Mask and RectMask2D 图片灰度化,支持UGUI的Mask和RectMask2D下有效

5.2 Grey Effect, can reserve a Rect color window. Can use on Image and Camera effect.

5.3 Modify Image Grey, support animation. 修改图片灰度化,支持混合模式及缓动灰度化效果





Language:C# 50.9%Language:ShaderLab 49.1%