garantor / xrpl-wallet-kit

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Xrpl wallet toolkit

A toolkit for interacting with all Xrpl wallets using a single, simple API. This library abstracts away the complexities of individual wallet configurations, allowing developers to focus on the frontend of their application.

The toolkit provides a unified interface for creating, accessing, and managing Xrpl transaction using wallets. The toolkit is easy to use and can be integrated into any application that needs to interact with Xrpl wallets. It is also open source, so developers can contribute to its development and make it even better.


npm i xrpl-wallet-kit

Supported Wallets

The goal is to support as much wallet as we can to provide flexibility for dapp developer but initially the kit only support the following wallets;

  • Xumm
  • Gem Wallet
  • Walletconnect v2(standalone)

If you would like to see more wallets supported, please raise an issue.


To begin with, you need to create a single instance of the main class. This will ensure that all of the methods in the class are accessible and that unexpected results are avoided.

    import { XRPLKit, EsupportedWallet, Networks } from 'xrpl-wallet-kit';
    const client = new XRPLKit(EsupportedWallet.GEM, Networks.TESTNET)

Connecting Dapps to wallets

To establish the initial connection with the wallets, you need to call the connectKitToWallet method of the previously initialized class, passing in the project ID or API key depending on the wallet you are connecting to.

For example, to connect to Xumm, you would use the following code:

clientSession = await client.connectKitToWallet(null, "apiKey for xumm connection")

Where apiKey is the project apikey for your Xumm account.

Once you have called the connectKitToWallet method, the wallet will be connected and you will be able to interact with it.

Signing transaction

The transaction format for most wallets on the Kit follows the standard XRP Ledger transaction format, with the exception of Wallet Connect. When using Wallet Connect, you are required to specify the desired method type. To learn more about Wallet Connect on XRPL, you can visit this link. To sign a Wallet Connect transaction using the Kit, you need to provide the following information as shown in the example below.

  • To send a walletconnect transaction for signing;
  const client = await client.signTransaction({

For signing with other wallets, please provide a standard XRPL transaction.

  • For other wallets,
  const client = await client.signTransaction({

When using the xrpl-wallet-kit with create-react-app you will need to follow these steps below;

  1. Installation of dependencies:
   npm install --save-dev \
    assert \
    buffer \
    crypto-browserify \
    https-browserify \
    os-browserify \
    process \
    stream-browserify \
    stream-http \
    url \
  1. Modify or create webpack configuration i. Install react-app-rewired
    npm install --save-dev react-app-rewired
    ii. Setup a config file in the root of your project config-overrides.js and add the following;
                const { ProvidePlugin } = require('webpack');
                module.exports = function (config, env) {
                 return {
                     module: {
                         rules: [
                                 test: /\.m?[jt]sx?$/,
                                 enforce: 'pre',
                                 use: ['source-map-loader'],
                                 test: /\.m?[jt]sx?$/,
                                 resolve: {
                                     fullySpecified: false,
                     plugins: [
                         new ProvidePlugin({
                             process: 'process/browser',
                     resolve: {
                         fallback: {
                             assert: require.resolve('assert'),
                             buffer: require.resolve('buffer'),
                             crypto: require.resolve('crypto-browserify'),
                             http: require.resolve('stream-http'),
                             https: require.resolve('https-browserify'),
                             stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'),
                             url: require.resolve('url/'),
                             zlib: require.resolve('browserify-zlib'),
                     ignoreWarnings: [/Failed to parse source map/],
  2. Update package.json scripts section
    "start": "react-app-rewired start",
     "build": "react-app-rewired build",
     "test": "react-app-rewired test"

To disconnect or logout from a wallet, simply call the disconnect method of the class.

await client.disconnect()

We will be releasing more documentation on the kit in the near future. I hope this is helpful



Language:TypeScript 100.0%