gaoxiang12 / slam_in_autonomous_driving


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My steps to go through compiling the repo

yuconglin opened this issue · comments

I installed the following libraries before running cmake and make to build the whole repo in Ubuntu 20.04:

ROS Noetic (
pcl-ros (if you didn't choose to install ros-noetic-desktop-full): sudo apt install ros-noetic-pcl-ros
velodyne-msgs: sudo apt install ros-noetic-velodyne-msgs
opencv: sudo apt install libopencv-dev
glog: sudo apt install libgoogle-glog-dev
eigen3: sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
suitesparse: sudo apt install libsuitesparse-dev
pcl: sudo apt install libpcl-dev
yaml-cpp: sudo apt install libyaml-cpp-dev
tbb: sudo apt install libbtbb-dev
gmock: sudo apt install libgmock-dev
the system libraries above all together: sudo apt install -y libopencv-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libeigen3-dev libsuitesparse-dev libpcl-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libbtbb-dev libgmock-dev
g2o: use the one in the thirdparty folder

I am hoping this summary can help others. BTW, I can testify that the building won't go through in Ubuntu 18.04 (as Xiang Gao suggested). I had to install Ubuntu 20.04 to build the repo.


I can testify that the building won't go through in Ubuntu 18.04


The main problem is the in C++17. As I know you need gcc-8 or higher, and in Ubuntu 18.04 the default gcc is 7.5. The simplest way is to install a higher version of gcc and link all the outputs to a thirdparty tbb library.

I was able to deal with gcc version, but didn't know how to deal with tbb issue. Here is the link from faster-lio issues' comment: Thanks for sharing @AFEICHINA.

I can testify that the building won't go through in Ubuntu 18.04

Can you be more specific? i have update gcc to version 9.4, how to modify cmake/packages.cmke files