gaopengpjlab / OmniQuant

An efficient, accurate, and omnibearing quantization algorithm for LLMs, encompassing both weight-only quantization (W4A16/W3A16/W2A16) and weight-activation quantization (W6A6, W4A4)

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An efficient, accurate, and omnibearing quantization algorithm for LLMs, encompassing both weight-only quantization (W4A16/W3A16/W2A16) and weight-activation quantization (W6A6, W4A4):


OmniQuant introduces optimization into quantization, but also keeps the data and time efficiency like PTQ. For example, OmniQuant can quantize LLaMa-2 model family (7B-70B) on a single A100-40G GPU within 1-16 hours using 128 samples.

The current release supports:

  • OmniQuant algorithm for accurate weight-only quantization (W4A16/W3A16/W2A16) and weight-activation quantization (W6A6, W4A4)
  • Pre-trained Omniquant model zoo for LLMs (LLaMA-1&2, LLaMA-2-Chat, OPT; load to generate quantized weights).
  • A out-of-the-box case that leverages MLC-LLM to run LLaMa-2-Chat (7B/13B) with W3A16g128 quantization on GPUs and mobile phones.



conda create -n omniquant python=3.10 -y
conda activate omniquant
git clone
cd OmniQuant
pip install --upgrade pip 
pip install -e .

OmniQuant Model Zoo

We provide pre-trained Omniquant model zoo for multiple model families, including LLaMa-1&2, LLaMa-2-Chat, OPT.

You can download the pre-trained model you nedd at Huggingface.

The detailed support list:

Models Sizes W2A16 W2A16g128 W2A16g64 W3A16
LLaMA 7B/13B/30B/65B
LLaMA-2 7B/13B/70B
OPT 125m/1.3B/2.7B/6.7B/13B/30B/66B
Models Sizes W3A16g128 W4A16 W4A16g128 W6A6 W4A4
LLaMA 7B/13B/30B/65B
LLaMA-2 7B/13B/70B
OPT 125m/1.3B/2.7B/6.7B/13B/30B/66B
LLaMA-2-Chat 7B/13B


We provide full script to run OmniQuant in ./scripts/. We use LLaMa-7B as an example here:

  1. Obtain the channel-wise scales and shifts required for initialization:
conda install git git-lfs
git lfs install
git clone
git clone

Optional, we also offer the script that you can generate channel-wise scales and shifts by yourself:

python --model /PATH/TO/LLaMA/llama-7b
  1. Weight-only quantization
# W3A16
--model /PATH/TO/LLaMA/llama-7b  \
--epochs 20 --output_dir ./log/llama-7b-w3a16 \
--eval_ppl --wbits 3 --abits 16 --lwc

# W3A16g128
--model /PATH/TO/LLaMA/llama-7b  \
--epochs 20 --output_dir ./log/llama-7b-w3a16g128 \
--eval_ppl --wbits 3 --abits 16 --group_size 128 --lwc
  1. weight-activation quantization
# W4A4
--model /PATH/TO/LLaMA/llama-7b  \
--epochs 20 --output_dir ./log/llama-7b-w4a4 \
--eval_ppl --wbits 4 --abits 4 --lwc --let \
--tasks piqa,arc_easy,arc_challenge,boolq,hellaswag,winogrande
  1. save fake quantization models for further experiments. For example, mlc-llm compilation and GPT-4 evaluation.
--model /PATH/TO/LLaMA/llama-7b  \
--epochs 20 --output_dir ./log/llama-7b-w3a16g128 \
--wbits 3 --abits 16 --group_size 128 --lwc \
--save_dir /PATH/TO/SAVE/llama-7b-omniquant-w3a16g128
  1. evaluate pre-trained OmniQuant models
--model /PATH/TO/LLaMA/llama-7b  \
--epochs 0 --output_dir ./log/llama-7b-w3a16g128 \
--eval_ppl --wbits 3 --abits 16 --group_size 128 --lwc \
--resume /PATH/TO/OmniQuant_Checkpoints/llama-7b-w3a16g128.pth

OmniQuant can quantized LLaMa-1&2(7B-70B) in one A100-40G GPU. However, we utilize fake quantization here, thereby can not reduce memory requirement when inference. To inference larger network please use --multigpu.

Runing Quantized Models with MLC-LLM

MLC-LLM offers a universal deployment solution suitable for various language models across a wide range of hardware backends, encompassing iPhones, Android phones, and GPUs from NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel.

We compile the OmniQuant's quantization models through MLC-LLM and offer an out-of-the-box case here. You can see smaller gpu memory usage and inference speedup:

conda install git git-lfs
git lfs install
mkdir dist && cd dist

# test Llama-2-7b-chat with w3a16g128 quantization
git clone
./mlc_chat_cli --local-id Llama-2-7b-chat-omniquant-w3a16g128asym --device-name cuda

# test Llama-2-13b-chat with w3a16g128 quantization
git clone
./mlc_chat_cli --local-id Llama-2-13b-chat-omniquant-w3a16g128asym --device-name cuda

Specially, we also deploy the aforementioned two quantized models into mobile phones through MLC-LLM. You can download the Android app by simply clicking the button below:

This app includes three models, LLaMa-2-7B-Chat-Omniquant-W3A16g128asym, LLaMa-2-13B-Chat-Omniquant-W3A16g128asym, and LLaMa-2-13B-Chat-Omniquant-W2A16g128asym. They require at least 4.5G, 7.5G, and 6.0G free RAM, respectively. Note that 2bit quantization has worse performance compared to 3bit quantization as shown in our paper. The inclusion of 2-bit quantization is just an extreme exploration about deploy LLM in mobile phones. Currently, this app is in its demo phase and may experience slower response times, so wait patiently for the generation of response. We have tested this app on Redmi Note 12 Turbo (Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2 and 16G RAM), some examples are provided below:

  • LLaMa-2-7B-Chat-Omniquant-W3A16g128asym
  • LLaMa-2-13B-Chat-Omniquant-W3A16g128asym
  • LLaMa-2-13B-Chat-Omniquant-W2A16g128asym


  • OmniQuant achieve SoTA performance in weight-only quantization weight_only
  • OmniQuant achieve SoTA performance in weight-activation quantization weight_activation
  • OmniQuant is generalize, also obatins excellent performance in instruction-tuned models with GPT-4 evaluation gpt_4_evaluation
  • MLC-LLM can obtain really speedup and memory saving for W4A16/W3A16/W2A16 quantization mlc_llm

Related Project

SmoothQuant: Accurate and Efficient Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models

AWQ: Activation-aware Weight Quantization for LLM Compression and Acceleration

GPTQ: Accurate Post-training Compression for Generative Pretrained Transformers

RPTQ: Reorder-Based Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models



If you use our OmniQuant approach in your research, please cite our paper:

  title={OmniQuant: Omnidirectionally Calibrated Quantization for Large Language Models},
  author={Shao, Wenqi and Chen,Mengzhao and  Zhang, Zhaoyang and Xu, Peng and Zhao, Lirui and Li, Zhiqian and Zhang, Kaipeng Zhang, and Gao, Peng, and Qiao, Yu, and Luo, Ping},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.13137},


An efficient, accurate, and omnibearing quantization algorithm for LLMs, encompassing both weight-only quantization (W4A16/W3A16/W2A16) and weight-activation quantization (W6A6, W4A4)


Language:Python 96.9%Language:Shell 3.1%