ganeshvadlamuri / Car-Sales-Dashboard-Power-BI

An interactive car sales dashboard built with Power BI. Analyze key metrics and trends, such as total sales and regional distribution. Clone and customize for your needs.

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Car Sales Dashboard with Power BI

Welcome to my Car Sales Dashboard project repository! This project showcases my skills in data visualization and analysis using Power BI. The Car Sales Dashboard is designed to provide comprehensive insights into car dealership sales performance, enabling stakeholders to make data-driven decisions and drive business growth.

Project Overview

The Car Sales Dashboard offers an interactive visualization of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to car sales, including total sales, average prices, cars sold, and more. With dynamic charts and detailed analytics, this dashboard empowers users to monitor sales trends, identify areas for improvement, and capitalize on opportunities for success.

Key Features

  • Sales Overview: Track year-to-date (YTD) and month-to-date (MTD) total sales, year-over-year (YOY) growth, and differences from previous years.
  • Average Price Analysis: Analyze YTD and MTD average prices, track YOY growth rates, and compare current prices with previous year averages.
  • Cars Sold Metrics: Monitor YTD and MTD cars sold, track YOY growth rates, and compare sales figures with previous years.
  • Interactive Charts: Visualize sales trends with a weekly trend line chart, explore distribution of sales by body style and color using pie charts, and understand geographical sales distribution by dealer region with a map chart.
  • Grid Displays: Analyze company-wise sales trends in a tabular grid format and view detailed information for each car sale in a comprehensive grid view.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  2. Open Power BI File: Open the Power BI file car_sales.pbix using Power BI Desktop.

  3. Interact with the Dashboard: Explore the interactive dashboard to analyze sales performance metrics and trends. Filter data, drill down into specific insights, and gain actionable insights to drive business decisions.

  4. Customize as Needed: Customize the dashboard to suit your dealership's specific requirements. Modify visuals, add new insights, or integrate additional data sources to enhance the dashboard's functionality.

Project Structure

  • car-sales-dashboard.pbix: Power BI file containing the Car Sales Dashboard.
  • data: Excel file containing the data used for dashboard visualization.
  • This README file providing an overview of the project.

Technologies Used

  • Power BI: Data visualization and analytics tool used to create the Car Sales Dashboard.
  • GitHub: Version control platform for managing and sharing project code and files.


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Contributions to this project are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or would like to contribute new features, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


For questions or inquiries about this project, feel free to contact me at . Your feedback is valuable, and I'm always open to collaboration and discussion.


An interactive car sales dashboard built with Power BI. Analyze key metrics and trends, such as total sales and regional distribution. Clone and customize for your needs.