ganainy / Our_chat

Private chat app with realtime notification and support audio messages,image sharing,file sharing using MVVM architecture,Firebase authentication firestore,storage,FCM,cloud functions and facebook login

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Private chat app with realtime notification and support audio messages,image sharing,file sharing.


Used technologies:

MVVM architecture
firebasee Authentication
firebase Firestore
Firebase storage
Facebook login
One activity multiple fragments design
Navigation library and navigation safe-args
Databinding library
Download manager
Media recorder
Firebase cloud messaging
Firebase cloud functions


Sign up / login with either normal account or your facebook account

Get preview of your chats in the home screen

Update profile info and picture from camera or gallery

Search for users to and send friend request to start chatting

Type messages , record audio messages ,send files and images(view on full screen/pinch to zoom)

Get notified when someone sends you a friends request

App closed? no problem, you still get a notification when someone messages you


Private chat app with realtime notification and support audio messages,image sharing,file sharing using MVVM architecture,Firebase authentication firestore,storage,FCM,cloud functions and facebook login


Language:Kotlin 100.0%