gamebytes / Erase-All-Kittens

Erase All Kittens is a new open source HTML/CSS game about an evil rebellion, intent on destroying all kittens on the Internet. Learn to code whilst playing to help save the kittens, and consequently save the world!

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Erase All Kittens

Erase All Kittens is a new open source HTML/CSS game about an evil rebellion, intent on destroying all kittens on the Internet. Learn to code whilst playing to help save the kittens, and consequently save the world!

Try it online

We have an early demo you can play at that we demonstrated during the #MozFest 2013.

Screenshot Erase All Kittens!

Team & project

We’re a team of one developer, one creative and one designer who are trying to teach kids to code with the best game we can build.

We’ve created the story, structure and look of the game, and we’d like some help to develop it further, specifically from developers, illustrators, and level designers. Also, we need more kitten gifs.

If you’re interested in what we’ve done so far or would like to help out, we’d love to hear from you. Fill out the form on our website, and we'll get in touch :)


Start by cloning the project:

git clone --recursive
cd Erase-All-Kittens

Then install dependendies and initialize submodule:

# install dependecies
npm install
bower install
# init and install submodule
git submodule init
git submodule update

You will also need to install brunch to be able to build the project:

# installing it globally (may require 'sudo' privileges)
npm install -g brunch
brunch build


If no errors happen during build a new public/ directory would be present. So, now you can run the app with:

brunch watch --server

Then, go to the app local server using http://localhost:3333/. If you want to reach the game directly, add the play.html suffix to reach the game:


Enjoy hack-learning ;)


  • More levels ;
  • More kitties >o< ;
  • Better, more contributor friendly docs & code comments
  • Localization support.



EAK is very loosely based around Backbone, mainly for its event system. app/scripts/game/mediator is a global event module, that also manages frames, key events, and notifications. Events from the mediator are partially documented below.

Most of the code is in app/scripts/game. app/scripts contains a few utilities and Init, the module that starts up the Game. app/scripts/WebWorker provides a layer of abstraction over Web Workers (worker modules are in app/workers). app/game/dom/mapper is a utility that carefully maps elements in the dom to be fed into the physics engine.

EAK has basic support for internationalisation. Files in app/l10n-templates are handlebars templates, that are merged with the contents of app/l10n-content to provide translated files. To create a new translation, just copy an existsing directory in app/l10n-content and start hacking! :)

The l10n stuff doesn't support Brunch's watch functionality yet, but I'm working on it.

Mediator Events

  • frame:process - this is triggered either 60 or 30 times a second. Any non-render tasks to be run every frame (e.g. physics)
  • frame:render - render tasks to be run every frame
  • frame - same as frame:process
  • alert - triggering an alert causes a notification to be shown on screen.
  • resize - window resize events
  • tilt - abstracted device orientation events. Currently disabled.
  • uncaughtTap - triggered when the screen is tapped / clicked but the event is not caught elsewhere
  • keypress:[keylist], keyup:[keylist], keydown[keylist] - document key events for the corresponding handlers, where keylist is a comma-separated list of keys - e.g. keydown:w,up,space is used for making the player jump
  • prepareBackground - takes a CSS background property, finds an image URL, and blurs it. It can be shown later with:
  • showBackground - Show the previously prepared background. If the background isn't prepared yet, it will be shown as soon as it is ready
  • clearBackground - Clear a background previously set by the background manager.


Erase All Kittens is a new open source HTML/CSS game about an evil rebellion, intent on destroying all kittens on the Internet. Learn to code whilst playing to help save the kittens, and consequently save the world!

License:MIT License