galexcode / MineX

2.5D space shooter/open world iOS concept currently being worked on.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


2.5D space shooter/open world iOS/OSX/Windows game currently being worked on. Made with Unity 4 and the RAIN{indie} AI pathfinding plugin.

Potential Features: Gameplay:

  • player ship navigates randomly generated level of planets, asteroids, space stations, and other ai
  • player can mine asteroids for the chance of harvesting ores and materials, which they can sell for profit
    • rare ores are more valuable and occur less often
  • fuel limit causes player to have limited range away from planets
  • Sandbox/Non-Linear Gameplay, similar to Minecraft
  • 3D projected as 2.5D shooter
  • enemy ai will seek you out as you noteriety goes up
  • space stations
    • Netural(yellow target box)
    • Friendly(blue target box)
    • Hostile(red target box)
    • modular construction
    • eventually players will be able to buy and place space stations
      • player will then be able to recruit piolts
      • able to keep more than one ship
      • advanced wingman features, and be able to control a fleet of ships
      • able to recruit a boarding party, to take over ai ships and space stations
      • hold hostages for ransom
    • friendly stations can be docked with and traded with
  • friendly planets can be landed on and traded with
  • blow up planets, and space stations
  • research weapons/tech(probably will require space station)
  • hold whole planets hostage(why not?)


  • on creation, player can select size of map(big, medium, small) and player ship(more become unlocked as player progresses)
  • maps are set up on grids(technicly cubes, since it's 3d) for asteroids, planets, spacestaions, and other stationary stuff -moving entites(player ship, ai ships) are not restricted by the invisible grid
  • randomly generated via liner interpolated random number script(allows grouping, so not totally random, but yeilds better maps)
    • certain "rules" apply, keeping gameplay in order
  • No boundaries, limited by the point of no return on fuel
  • planets have small amount of gravity
  • 1 sun per map, 5x more gravitational pull than planets(relativyl unrealistic, but for gameplay purposes)

To Do: - more ship models - textures for ship models - attempt making a planet that looks decent - sun model will just be scaled up planet w/ sun texture & effects/animations - above - textures for all - textures for 2 asteroids done

  • inventory - in progress
  • weapons
  • enemy ships
  • basic effects(engine glare, weapon fire)
  • code in random level generation for:
    • planets
      • boundaries of where planets can spawn change depending on map size
        • also result in slighty different map sizes each time
  • randomized skybox
  • touch movement(in progress, needs to be tested)

Currently Done:

  • created menuScene
  • created tradeScene
  • created gameScene
  • 1 player model
  • 2 asteroid models
  • player ship follows mouse
  • player movement(needs to be worked on)
  • simple parallex w/ camera and skybox(camera - map parallex needs to be reduced)
  • half sphere skybox w/ 1 star texture
  • map generation
    • random asteroids
  • global lighting


2.5D space shooter/open world iOS concept currently being worked on.