galenwilkerson / boost-library

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Boost Library Demonstration

This repository contains a demonstration of various functionalities provided by the Boost C++ Libraries. Boost is a collection of peer-reviewed, portable C++ source libraries that provide a range of functionalities to enhance and extend the capabilities of the C++ Standard Library.

Overview of Boost Functionality

Boost provides a wide array of libraries to support numerous functionalities in C++ programming, including:

  1. Boost.Algorithm: Provides a collection of generic algorithms, particularly for string manipulation.
  2. Boost.Any: A safe, generic container for single values of any type.
  3. Boost.Asio: A cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming.
  4. Boost.Bind: A library for binding arguments to functions or function objects.
  5. Boost.Chrono: A set of time-related functions, including clocks, timers, and intervals.
  6. Boost.Container: Provides advanced STL-compatible containers.
  7. Boost.Context: A library for context switching between functions.
  8. Boost.Coroutine: Provides coroutine implementation for cooperative multitasking.
  9. Boost.DateTime: A library for date and time operations.
  10. Boost.Exception: A library for improved exception handling.
  11. Boost.Filesystem: Provides facilities for performing operations on file systems and their components.
  12. Boost.Function: A general-purpose polymorphic function wrapper.
  13. Boost.Geometry: Provides algorithms and data structures for geometric operations.
  14. Boost.Graph: A collection of graph algorithms and data structures.
  15. Boost.Interprocess: Supports interprocess communication and shared memory.
  16. Boost.Iterator: Provides iterator adaptors and utilities.
  17. Boost.LexicalCast: Converts objects into strings and vice versa.
  18. Boost.Math: Provides a comprehensive set of mathematical functions and special functions.
  19. Boost.MPI: Provides support for message passing interface (MPI) for parallel programming.
  20. Boost.Optional: A library for optional (nullable) values.
  21. Boost.Pool: Provides memory pool management.
  22. Boost.ProgramOptions: A library for parsing command-line options.
  23. Boost.PropertyTree: A hierarchical tree structure that can store various types of data.
  24. Boost.Python: A library for interoperability between C++ and Python.
  25. Boost.Random: Provides facilities for random number generation.
  26. Boost.Range: A collection of range algorithms and utilities.
  27. Boost.Regex: A library for regular expressions.
  28. Boost.Serialization: Serialization and deserialization of C++ data structures.
  29. Boost.SmartPtr: Provides various smart pointer implementations.
  30. Boost.Spirit: A library for parsing and generating text.
  31. Boost.System: A library for error code management.
  32. Boost.Thread: Provides facilities for multithreading.
  33. Boost.Tokenizer: A library for breaking strings into tokens.
  34. Boost.TypeErasure: Runtime polymorphism based on concepts.
  35. Boost.Unordered: Unordered associative containers.
  36. Boost.Uuid: A library for generating and manipulating UUIDs.
  37. Boost.Variant: A type-safe union.
  38. Boost.Xpressive: A library for regular expressions that can be written as expression templates.

For more detailed information, please visit the Boost C++ Libraries website and the Boost Documentation.


The boost_demo.cpp file demonstrates the following functionalities:

  1. Boost.Algorithm: String manipulation functions and other utilities.
  2. Boost.LexicalCast: Safe and convenient type casting.
  3. Boost.Regex: Regular expressions for pattern matching.
  4. Boost.UUID: Generation of universally unique identifiers.
  5. Boost.Any: Type-safe container for single values of any type.
  6. Boost.Optional: Handling of optional (nullable) values.
  7. Boost.Filesystem: Operations on files and directories.
  8. Boost.DateTime: Date and time handling.
  9. Boost.Variant: Type-safe union of multiple types.
  10. Boost.Shared_Ptr: Reference-counted smart pointers.
  11. Boost.Thread: Multithreading utilities.
  12. Boost.ASIO: Asynchronous I/O operations.
  13. Boost.Numeric.Ublas: Linear algebra operations.
  14. Boost.Algorithm: Clamping values within a specified range.
  15. Boost.Random: Random number generation.
  16. Boost.Functional.Hash: Hashing utilities.
  17. Boost.Range: Range-based algorithms for container manipulation.
  18. Boost.Container: Advanced containers.
  19. Boost.Chrono: Measuring time durations and intervals.
  20. Boost.Graph: Graph data structures and algorithms.


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • GCC: GNU Compiler Collection (g++)
  • Boost Libraries: Comprehensive collection of C++ libraries.

On Ubuntu, you can install the necessary dependencies using:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++ libboost-all-dev

Compiling and Running

Using Makefile

A Makefile is provided to simplify the compilation and execution process. To compile and run the program, use the following commands:


Manual Compilation

Alternatively, you can manually compile and run the program using the following commands:

g++ boost_demo.cpp -o boost_demo -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_regex -lboost_date_time -lboost_thread -lboost_chrono -lboost_graph -lboost_program_options -lpthread

System Requirements

To build and run the project, your system must meet the following requirements:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
  • GCC: Version 11.4.0 or higher
  • Boost Libraries: Version 1.74 or higher

Check System Information

You can check your system information by running the provided script:


This script will generate a system_info.txt file with detailed information about your system's environment, installed software versions, and hardware.

Detailed Description of Functionalities

1. Boost.Algorithm

String manipulation functions such as converting to uppercase and lowercase, and splitting strings.

Additional Utilities in Boost.Algorithm

  • Case Conversion: to_upper, to_lower
  • Trimming: trim, trim_left, trim_right
  • Splitting and Joining: split, join
  • Finding and Replacing: find_first, find_last, replace_first, replace_all

2. Boost.LexicalCast

Safe and convenient type casting between strings and numeric types.

3. Boost.Regex

Regular expressions for pattern matching within strings.

4. Boost.UUID

Generation of universally unique identifiers for various use cases.

5. Boost.Any

Type-safe container capable of holding a value of any type.

6. Boost.Optional

Handling of optional (nullable) values with safety and convenience.

7. Boost.Filesystem

Operations on files and directories, such as creation, reading, and writing.

8. Boost.DateTime

Handling and manipulation of dates and times.

9. Boost.Variant

Type-safe union, allowing a variable to hold one of several specified types.

10. Boost.Shared_Ptr

Reference-counted smart pointers for automatic memory management.

11. Boost.Thread

Utilities for creating and managing threads for parallel execution.

12. Boost.ASIO

Asynchronous I/O operations, useful for networking and other asynchronous tasks.

13. Boost.Numeric.Ublas

Linear algebra operations, including matrix manipulations.

14. Boost.Algorithm

Clamping values within a specified range to ensure they fall within the desired limits.

15. Boost.Random

Random number generation with various distributions.

16. Boost.Functional.Hash

Hashing utilities for generating hash values for various data types.

17. Boost.Range

Range-based algorithms for convenient container manipulation.

18. Boost.Container

Advanced containers such as vectors with extended functionalities.

19. Boost.Chrono

Measuring time durations and intervals for performance and timing purposes.

20. Boost.Graph

Graph data structures and algorithms, including breadth-first search.

21. Boost.Math

Advanced mathematical functions and constants.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request with your changes.



Language:C++ 100.0%