galaye / PolyVideoOSRestAPI

Project that provides basic login and communication to a Poly VideoOS device and controls to enable and disable Poly Device Mode.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project with the basic communication structure to connect and send commands to the API of Poly devices running their VideoOS platform.

This is not a complete implementation of the API, as it was written to provide control of the Poly Device Mode on the G7500 and X50 units.

The code was most recently tested and is running on systems with Poly G7500 units. Initial testing was done with X50 and should work the same on all VideoOS units that support Poly USB Device Mode.


Project that provides basic login and communication to a Poly VideoOS device and controls to enable and disable Poly Device Mode.


Language:C# 100.0%