galakpaigates / timer

This is a Countdown Timer built by 'galakpaigates' to keep Count.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comgalakpaigates/timerRepository from Github https://github.comgalakpaigates/timer


This is a Countdown Timer built by 'galakpaigates' to keep Count.

You can Input the Minute and Second you want to count and when it is done, there will be a beep.

This Project was inspired by Prayer. I was doing a condition and wanted to pray for 12 Minutes, but I didn't have any timer so I decided to build one, and I did it.


Jee-do G. Arkoi (galakpaigates) - Only


This is a Countdown Timer built by 'galakpaigates' to keep Count.


Language:JavaScript 71.2%Language:CSS 17.1%Language:HTML 11.7%