gailufeng / skynet

A lightweight online game server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Install zeromq 2.2 and lua 5.2 first.



Run these in different console

./skynet config		# Launch first skynet node  (Gate server) and a skynet-master (see config for standalone option)
./skynet config_log	# Launch second skynet node (Global logger server)
./clinet 8888	# Launch a client, and try to input some words.

Test connection server

./skynet 		# Launch skynet
./nc -l 8000		# Listen on port 8000 

And then , type 'snlua testconn' in skynet console to launch connection server and a test program.

You can type something in nc console.

Blog (in Chinese)


A lightweight online game server