gabsprates / useful-links

:dart: :+1: Useful links to me. If is for you too, cool! (:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Useful Links

Useful links to me. If is for you too, cool! (:

This project isn't nothing more links I have used by years. Every day I found new utilites and awesome links which I want save, but I can't save in browser favorites, 'cause not always I'm with my browsers.

So, this is it.



Blog de Arquitetura de Informação (

Flat UI Colors (

flatuicolorpicker: Best Flat Colors For UI Design (

Flat Design Colors (

Flat Clolors (


PHP: Do Jeito Certo (

PHP: PHP type comparison tables - Manual (

Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure PHP template engine (

phpDocumentor (

FOPO - Free Online PHP Obfuscator (

Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 - API Specification (


Patternify (

Easing Functions Cheat Sheet (

Font Squirrel (

You Might Not Need jQuery (

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns (

Dive Into HTML5 (

Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc (

CodePen (

JS: The Right Way (

Como perder peso (no browser) (

The Vanilla Javascript Repository (

You Don't Know JS (

jQuery API Documentation (

MVCSS [Modular View CSS], Sass-based. (

React Native Express - Learning React Native (

ECMAScript® Language Specification (

SurviveJS — Webpack | From apprentice to master (

Free Software

Viva o Linux (

Linux Descomplicado | A linha de comando nunca mais será a mesma (

Fedora Documentation (

DuckDuckGo (


PageSpeed Insights (

RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx (

Code Beautify ( ( - Create Useful .gitignore Files For Your Project (

A quick and simple image placeholder service (

Image placeholder for disgusting layouts (

SQLFormat (


Tableless ( (

Free Online IDE and Terminal (

Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (

InfoQ: Software Development News, Videos & Books (

Your Web, documented · (

Aprender Haskell será um grande bem para você! (

Elixir (

Gogs - Go Git Service (

SuperPlayer (

Emoji cheat sheet for GitHub, Basecamp and other services (

Vim Awesome - Awesome Vim plugins from across the universe (

HTTPD - Apache2 Web Server (

A Great Vim Cheat Sheet (

GoRails - Learn Ruby on Rails with screencasts for Web Developers (


:dart: :+1: Useful links to me. If is for you too, cool! (: