Gabriel Missio's repositories
Learn how to set up a project like a pro with this comprehensive guide! This repository contains all the materials used in the 'Set up a Project Like a Pro' webinar, covering essential topics such as npm, linting, Git hooks, environment variables, and more.
CloudCrafter CLI is a command-line interface tool that provides templates for common cloud resources to help you get started quickly.
The Snake Bash Game is a classic arcade-style game that you can play directly from your terminal. It's a fun and addictive game where you play as a snake and try to eat food to grow while avoiding obstacles and your own tail.
This repository contains code and resources used in the 'AWS and Serverless' webinar, where we migrated a traditional Express server application to a serverless architecture using AWS Lambda. It includes an API for user management, a static website hosted on S3, CloudFormation templates for creating the necessary infrastructure, and more.
This repository showcases the application presented in the 'Hathor Network' webinar. The application comprises two APIs: an Image API that utilizes OpenAI to generate images based on prompts, and a Token API that leverages the Image API, uploads images to IPFS, and utilizes the Headless Hathor Wallet API to create NFTs.
Simple utility to generate temporary AWS credentials using MFA.
Maze solver is a repository that generates random mazes and solves them using a simple stack algorithm.
This is a simple and intuitive mobile application built using Flutter and SQLite. With this app, you can create your own set of digital flashcards to help you memorize important information for your studies or work.
This repository is a collection of small projects I've created using Javascript, including classic games like Breakout, Snake, Memory Game, and Whac-A-Mole. In addition to the individual projects, this repository includes a project catalog that lists all the available projects and provides links to their live demos.
Simulador de memorial virtual
Rest API for product management
This is a full Serverless architecture project built using Test-Driven Development (TDD) principles. The API provides a simple and intuitive way to manage your tasks and stay organized.
Codigo em C++ para validar a linguagem {W | W ∈ {ab^m ba(ab)^n | m, n ≥0} }
API para controle de estoque
Hyperledger Fabric sample project
Truco developed in Java for android devices
This sample creates a CloudWatch Alarm that monitors the timeout of a Lambda function and publishes a message to an SNS topic when the alarm is triggered.
Multi thread em java
Este repositório contém os códigos-fonte dos contratos inteligentes abordados na playlist "Curso de Solidity PT-BR" do meu canal do YouTube.
Documentation for Hyperledger Besu enterprise-grade Java-based, Apache 2.0 licensed Ethereum client