gabrielloeb / ebcert

Automatically fetch and renew certificates for your Elastic Beanstalk single instance.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Free, easy SSL for your Elastic Beanstalk single instance.

Fetch and renew certificates for your Elastic Beanstalk instance automatically with these hot .ebextensions! Because you don't want to pay $20/month for load balancing.

Now with 100% EFF, Let's Encrypt, and Certbot!


  • Currently only configured for NGINX
  • Apache config welcome, please contribute


Control ebcert with three Elastic Beanstalk environment variables:

  • CERT_EMAIL: Email address for registration, renewal, and recovery
  • CERT_DOMAIN: The domain or comma separated domains you want to certify
    • When true, genuine, production-ready Let's Encrypt certificates will be issued
    • In all other cases, certificates will be issued by the Let's Encrypt staging server. These certificates are not production ready.
    • Let's Encrypt has serious rate limits. You are far more likely to encounter these limits when CERT_PRODUCTION is true.


  1. Customize nginx.conf to suit your use case.
  2. Boot or redeploy your app with your customized ebcert .ebextensions.
  3. Point desired CERT_DOMAINS to your Elastic Beanstalk environment. (ebcert uses certbot's webroot authentication method, which requires connectivity at the domain at the time of authentication.)
  4. Set CERT_EMAIL, CERT_DOMAIN, and (if production-ready) CERT_PRODUCTION as Elastic Beanstalk environment variables.
  5. Keep $20/month!

Migrating to production

  • Via environment variable

    • Set the Elastic Beanstalk environment variable CERT_PRODUCTION to true
  • Via SSH

    • sudo /opt/ebcert/ -m
  • Via EB CLI clone

    • Point the domain(s) you wish to certify to a new CNAME you select for your clone (your-new-env-cname)
    • eb clone your-current-env-cname -n your-new-env-name -c your-new-env-cname --envvars CERT_PRODUCTION=true

Changing certified domains

Change (add, remove, swap) your certified domains at any time by changing the value of CERT_DOMAIN. Note that such changes will count toward your rate limit if CERT_PRODUCTION is true.


Thanks to Tony Gutierrez and all participants in this gist.


Automatically fetch and renew certificates for your Elastic Beanstalk single instance.