gabrieljsilva / nest-graphql-filters

Generate filters in a simple, automatic and standardized way in the @nestjs framework and @nestjs/graphql using decorators.

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Nest Graphql Filters

Generate filters in a simple, automatic and standardized way in the @nestjs framework and @nestjs/graphql using decorators.


npm install @gabrieljsilva/nest-graphql-filters


yarn add @gabrieljsilva/nest-graphql-filters


First, it's necessary to register the module, where the registration method requires a mandatory param called databaseProvider. This information is crucial in the subsequent serialization process. Ex:

import { NestFilterModule } from '@gabrieljsilva/nest-graphql-filters';

  imports: [
      driver: ApolloDriver,
      autoSchemaFile: join(process.cwd(), 'schema.gql')
    // rest of imports...
  controllers: [],
  providers: [],
  exports: [],
export class AppModule {}

After registering the module, the second step is to declare the entities using a class and applying the decorators: FilterableEntity and FilterableField.

  • FilterableEntity: Marks a class as an entity.
  • FilterableField: Marks a class property as a "filterable" field.


import { ID } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { FilterableEntity, FilterableField } from '@gabrieljsilva/nest-graphql-filters';

export class User {
  @FilterableField(() => ID)
  id: string;
  name: string;

  email: string;
  password: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  deletedAt?: Date;

To apply this filter in a Resolver, use the FilterArgs decorator, passing the target entity as an argument. It's possible to infer type using "FilterOf" generic. Ex:

import { Query, Resolver } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { FilterArgs, FilterOf } from '@gabrieljsilva/nest-graphql-filters';

import { UserService } from './user.service';
import { User } from '../../models';

export class UserResolver {
    constructor(private readonly userService: UserService) {}
    @Query(() => [User])
    async findUsers(@FilterArgs(User) userFilter: FilterOf<User>) {
        return this.userService.findUsers(userFilter);


Each primitive type has an associated filter with its own operators:

Boolean ID Int Float String Date Timestamp

Also, each entity is created with the following logical operators:

Name Description
_AND A list of entities that perform an "AND" operation
_OR A list of entities that perform an "OR" operation
_NOT A list of entities that perform an "NOT" operation


Through the previously defined User entity and the findUsers query, it is possible to construct the following GraphQL query:

Example Query

query FindUsers($filter: UserFilter) {
    findUsers(filters: $filter){

Example Variables

  "filters": {
    "name": {
      "like": "John"
    "createdAt": {
      "gte": "2024-01-01" 
    "_NOT": [
        "name": {
          "is": "John Doe"


In addition to filters based on primitive types, it is also possible to create relationships between entities. Ex:

import { ID } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { FilterableEntity, FilterableField } from '@gabrieljsilva/nest-graphql-filters';

export class Photo {
    @FilterableField(() => ID)
    id: string;

    url: string;
    category: string

export class User {
  @FilterableField(() => ID)
  id: string;
  name: string;

  photo: Photo

Example Query

query FindUsers($filter: UserFilter) {
    findUsers(filters: $filter){
        photo {

Example Variables

  "filters": {
    "email": {
      "is": ""
    "photo": {
      "category": {
        "is": "Nature"

Circular Dependency

Although not recommended, it is still possible to create circular types (types that depend on each other simultaneously).

import { ID } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { FilterableEntity, FilterableField } from '@gabrieljsilva/nest-graphql-filters';

export class Credentials {
    @FilterableField(() => ID)
    id: string;

    email: string;

    password: string;

    @FilterableField(() => User)
    user: User

export class User {
    @FilterableField(() => ID)
    id: string;

    name: string;

    Credentials: Credentials

PS: The SWC compiler does not correctly load circular dependencies.


It's possible to use pipes to serialize the data received in the request. Ex:

import { FilterOptions } from '@gabrieljsilva/nest-graphql-filters';

export const ToPrismaQueryPipe = memoize<(type: Type) => PipeTransform>(

function createToPrismaQueryPipe(type: Type): Type<PipeTransform> {
    class ToPrismaQueryPipe implements PipeTransform {
        constructor(@Inject(FilterOptions) filterOptions: FilterOptions) {}

        async transform<T = unknown>(value: FilterOf<T>) {
            if (!value) {
                return {};
            const fieldMetadata = FilterTypeMetadataStorage.getIndexedFieldsByType(type);
            return this.getWhereInputQuery(value, fieldMetadata);

            filter: FilterOf<unknown>,
            metadata: Map<string, FieldMetadata>,
            query = {},
        ) {
            // Implements your query here

    return ToPrismaQueryPipe;

The property filterOptions contains the property named provider, which is the name of the database provider. Since even among relational databases that use SQL, there are some differences in query construction, this information can assist in writing more generic pipes and facilitate the database switch at some point.

To use pipes with parameters, it's necessary to create a function that returns the pipe class, or it's instance. By using this method, a new pipe is created for each implementation of the filter. To prevent redundancy in pipe creation, the memoization technique can be applied, ensuring the use of the same pipe even when implemented in multiple different queries.

It's possible to create more complex pipes by utilizing metadata extracted from the following functions:

Name Return Type description
getFieldMetadata Set Returns a set of FieldMetadata.
getIndexedFields Map<string, FieldMetadata> Returns a Map where the keys are the names of the Schemas.

Both functions have different goals. The getFieldMetadata function aims to be iterable and presents a complexity of O(N), while the getIndexedFields function aims to be indexed by name to avoid iterations and optimize performance in runtime with a complexity of O(1).


Property Type Description
name string Name of the property (public)
originalName string Original name of the property
type Type Property original type
isPrimitiveType boolean Whether type is a primitive
nullable boolean Whether the field is nullable
isArray boolean Whether the property is an array
description string? Custom description of the property

PS: Marking a property as "array" or "nullable" does not imply that the generated filter property by the library is an "array" or "null", refers only to the original entity property. Marking a field as "nullable" or "array" serves to guide pipes to the exact structure of the original entity.

Applying pipes

import { ToPrismaQueryPipe } from '../../pipes';

export class UserResolver {
    constructor(private readonly userService: UserService) {}

    @Query(() => [User])
    async findUsers(@FilterArgs(User, ToPrismaQueryPipe(User)) userFilter: FilterOf<User>) {
        return this.userService.findUsers(userFilter);


It's possible to make some customizations to the generated types or metadata through decorators:

// Defines a custom name for the type that will be exposed by the API
export class User {
    @FilterableField(() => ID)
    id: string;

    // Defines a custom name and description for the property that will be exposed by the API 
    // and defines in the metadata that this property is not nullabe
    @FilterableField({ name: 'customUserName', description: 'My Awesome Name', nullable: false })
    name: string;

    // Defines in the metadata that this field is an array of a specific type
    @FilterableField(() => [Photo])
    photo: Photo[]

    // Explicitly defines type and options
    @FilterableField(() => Address, { name: 'myAddress', nullable: true })
    address?: Address


Generate filters in a simple, automatic and standardized way in the @nestjs framework and @nestjs/graphql using decorators.

License:MIT License


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