gabrielferrazduque / gassmetodosnumero


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


gassmetodosnumero import numpy as numpy np

def sistema_equivalente(A, B , C): A_diag = np.diagonal(A) c = np.divide(b, A_diag) S = np.divide(np.array(A) * (-2), np.array([A_diag]).T)

np.fill_diagonal(S, 1, int)

return S, c #np.array([c]).T

def gauss_jacobi(A, B , C ): S, c = sistema_equivalente(A, b)

X = [0,0,0] erro = 0.01 Max_iter = 10

cont_iter = 0 fim = True fim = False fim = True return while not fim : X1 = S @ X + c A_diag = np.diagonal(A) c = np.divide(b, A_diag) S = np.divide(np.array(A) * (-1), np.array([A_diag]).T)

np.fill_diagonal(S, 0, int)

return S, c #np.array([c]).T

def gaussjacobi(A, B , C ): S, c = sistema_equivalente(A, b)

X = [0,0,0] erro = 0.01 Max_iter = 12

cont_iter = 0 fim = True fim = False fim = True return while not fim : X1 = S @ X + c + proximo sistema_equivalente def triangular(entrada): saida = [None for x in range(len(entrada))] for i in reversed(range(0,len(entrada[0])-1)): #for (int i=sizeof(entrada)/sizeof(entrada[0]); i > 0; i--) soma = 0 for j in reversed(range(i,len(entrada))): if i != j: #se não for o elemento pivô soma += saida[j]*entrada[i][j] #calcula e coloca tudo na variavel soma pra subtrair depois else: # se não for elemento pivô, calcula o x( faz a regressão ) saida[i]=(entrada[i][len(entrada[0])-1]-soma)/entrada[i][i] #subtrai soma break return saida

def escalonamento(entrada): n = len(entrada) # calculando o n (numero de variaveis e equacoes) anterior = copy.deepcopy(entrada) # usando o deepcopy para fazer a cópia do vetor proximo = copy.deepcopy(entrada) for k in range(1,n): #k iterações de 2 em diante (1, por conta do índice começar com 0) if proximo[k][k] == 0: #caso em que o pivô é nulo. return None #implementar tratamento (troca de linha) anterior = copy.deepcopy(proximo) for i in range(n): # percorrendo linhas for j in range(n+1): # e as colunas (n+1 por conta do b da matriz aumentada) if i < k: # aplicando o algoritmo proximo[i][j] = anterior[i][j] elif i > k-1 and j < k: proximo[i][j] = 0 else: proximo[i][j] = anterior[i][j]-(anterior[i][k-1]/anterior[k-1][k-1]*anterior[k-1][j]) return proximo #pronto, transformou em matriz triangular superior equivalente à matriz aumentada do início

def gauss(entrada): return triangular(escalonamento(entrada))


e depois dá a saída utilizando a função triangular.

entrada = [[2,0,0,0,3],[1,1.5,0,0,4.5],[0,-3,0.5,0,-6.6],[2,-2,1,1,0.8]] print(gaussjacobi(entrada)) def gauss_jordan(x, y, verbose=0): m, n = x.shape augmented_mat = np.zeros(shape=(m, n + 1)) augmented_mat[:m, :n] = x augmented_mat[:, m] = y np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True) if verbose > 0: print('# Original augmented matrix') print(augmented_mat) outer_loop = [[0, m - 1, 1], [m - 1, 0, -1]] for d in range(2): for i in range(outer_loop[d][0], outer_loop[d][1], outer_loop[d][2]): inner_loop = [[i + 1, m, 1], [i - 1, -1, -1]] for j in range(inner_loop[d][0], inner_loop[d][1], inner_loop[d][2]): k = (-1) * augmented_mat[j, i] / augmented_mat[i, i] temp_row = augmented_mat[i, :] * k if verbose > 1: print('# Use line %2i for line %2i' % (i + 1, j + 1)) print('k=%.2f' % k, '*', augmented_mat[i, :], '=', temp_row) augmented_mat[j, :] = augmented_mat[j, :] + temp_row if verbose > 1: print(augmented_mat) for i in range(0, m): augmented_mat[i, :] = augmented_mat[i, :] / augmented_mat[i, i] if verbose > 0: print('# Normalize the rows') print(augmented_mat) return augmented_mat[:, n]

if name == "main": coefficients = np.array([[2, 1, 1], [1, 1, -2], [1, 2, 1]]) right_hand_side = np.array([8, -2, 2]) b = gauss_jordan(coefficients, right_hand_side, 2) print(b) from numpy import dot from math import sqrt

def gaussSeidel(iterEqs,x,tol = 1.0e-9):

omega = 1.0
k = 10
p = 1
for i in range(1,501):
    xOld = x.copy()
    x = iterEqs(x,omega)
    dx = sqrt(dot(x-xOld,x-xOld))
    if dx < tol: return x,i,omega
  # Compute relaxation factor after k+p iterations
    if i == k: dx1 = dx
    if i == k + p:
        dx2 = dx
        omega = 2.0/(1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - (dx2/dx1)**(1.0/p)))
print 'GaussSeidel failed to converge'    

def gaussSeidel(a, b): """ GAUSS-SEIDEL METHOD (Iterative) Solve a linear system of equations using the Gauss-Seidel Method. 'A': Coefficient matrix (n, n) 'b': Solution matrix (n, 1) ** NOTE: 'A' and 'b' MUST be NumPy ARRAYS: >>> A = np.array([n, n]) # Ex: np.array([[2, -1], [4, 3]]) >>> b = np.array([n]) # Ex: np.array([2, -1]) Algorithm from 'Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods' (Barrett et. al.) found at """

tol = 1e-12  # Solution tolerance. Will break if reached
maxIter = 12000  # Maximum number of iterations. Will break if reached
iters = 1  # Iteration counter

# Check that input arrays are the correct shapes
aRows, aCols = np.shape(a)
bRows, = np.shape(b)

if aCols != bRows:
    print("Shape of array 'A' must have same number of rows 'b' has")
    return 0
if aRows != aCols:
    print("ARRAY 'A' IS NOT SQUARE!")

# Check if input is Numpy array type
if type(a) != np.ndarray or type(b) != np.ndarray:

# # The '' function can be used to check if system is PD:
# # Check if coefficient matrix is positive definite
# posDefCheck = checkPosDef(a)
# if posDefCheck == False:
#     return

n = aRows  # System dimensions
x = np.random.rand(n) * 5  # initial guess for solution
sigmaTol = 1  # Used to calculate tolerance

while True:
    if iters > maxIter:
        print("MAX. ITERS. REACHED IN ROUTINE 'gaussSeidel()'")

    for i in range(n):
        sigma = 0
        for j in range(n):
            if j != i:
                sigma += a[i, j] * x[j]
        x[i] = (b[i] - sigma) / a[i, i]

    tolerance = abs(sigmaTol - sigma)
    if tolerance <= tol:
        print("TOLERANCE MET IN ROUTINE 'gaussSeidel()' \t %d ITERS." % (iters))

    sigmaTol = sigma
    iters += 1

return x  # Return Solution




License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%