gabrielferrazduque / Exemplo-Buffer-Overflow

Exemplo Buffer Overflow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Exemplo Buffer Overflow #include #include #include

const char *PASSWORD_FILE = "rictro";

int main() { char input[8]; char password[8];

std::sscanf(PASSWORD_FILE, "%s", password);

std::cout << "Enter password: "; std::cin >> input;

// Debug prints: // std::cout << "Address of input: " << &input << "\n"; // std::cout << "Address of password: " << &password << "\n"; // std::cout << "Input: " << input << "\n"; // std::cout << "Password: " << password << "\n";

if (std::strncmp(password, input, 8) == 0) std::cout << "Access granted\n"; else std::cout << "Access denied\n";

return 0; } #include #include #include

const char *PASSWORD_FILE = "rictro";

int main() { char input[8]; char password[8];

std::sscanf(PASSWORD_FILE, "%s", password);

std::cout << "Enter password: "; std::cin >> input;

// Debug prints: // std::cout << "Address of input: " << &input << "\n"; // std::cout << "Address of password: " << &password << "\n"; // std::cout << "Input: " << input << "\n"; // std::cout << "Password: " << password << "\n";

if (std::strncmp(password, input, 8) == 0) std::cout << "Access granted\n"; else std::cout << "Access denied\n";

return 0; } #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>

int main (void) { char buffer[5]; printf("Digite seu nome>\n"); scanf("%s", &buffer); strcpy() -> strncpy() strcat() -> strncat() strlen() -> strnlen() strcmp() -> strncmp() strdup() -> strndup() wcscpy() -> wcsncpy() wcslen() -> wcsnlen() sprintf() -> snprintf() scanf(), getwd(), realpath() atoi(), memcpy(), strtok(),


return 0; } #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>

int main (void) { char buffer[5]; printf("Digite seu nome>\n"); scanf("%s", &buffer); strcpy() -> strncpy() strcat() -> strncat() strlen() -> strnlen() strcmp() -> strncmp() strdup() -> strndup() wcscpy() -> wcsncpy()include #include

using namespace std;

int main() { begin: int authentication = 0; char cUsername[10], cPassword[10]; char cUser[10], cPass[10];

cout << "Username: "; cin >> cUser;

cout << "Pass: "; cin >> cPass;

strcpy(cUsername, cUser); strcpy(cPassword, cPass);

if(strcmp(cUsername, "admin") == 0 && strcmp(cPassword, "adminpass") == 0) { authentication = 1; } if(authentication) { cout << "Access granted\n"; cout << (char)authentication; } else { cout << "Wrong username and password\n"; }

system("pause"); goto begin; } #include

int main( void ) { int authentication = 0; char cUsername[ 10 ]; char cPassword[ 10 ];

std::cout << "Username: "; std::cin >> cUsername;

std::cout << "Pass: "; std::cin >> cPassword;

if( std::strcmp( cUsername, "admin" ) == 0 && std::strcmp( cPassword, "adminpass" ) == 0 ) { authentication = 1; } if( authentication ) { std::cout << "Access granted\n"; std::cout << ( char )authentication; } else { std::cout << "Wrong username and password\n"; }

return ( 0 );

000000013f1f1710 4883ec68 sub rsp,68h 000000013f1f1714 488b0515db0300 mov rax,qword ptr [Prototype_Console!__security_cookie (000000013f22f230)] 000000013f1f171b 4833c4 xor rax,rsp 000000013f1f171e 4889442450 mov qword ptr [rsp+50h],rax 000000013f1f1723 c744243800000000 mov dword ptr [rsp+38h],0 // This gives us address of "authentication" on stack. 000000013f1f172b 488d156e1c0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb<int>::end+0x78 (000000013f2233a0)] 000000013f1f1732 488d0d47f00300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cout (000000013f230780)] 000000013f1f1739 e8fdf9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+310(??$?6U?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f113b) 000000013f1f173e 488d542428 lea rdx,[rsp+28h] // This gives us address of "cUsername" on stack. 000000013f1f1743 488d0df6f00300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cin (000000013f230840)] 000000013f1f174a e823faffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+365(??$?5DU?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_istreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f1172) 000000013f1f174f 488d153e1c0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb::end+0x6c (000000013f223394)] 000000013f1f1756 488d0d23f00300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cout (000000013f230780)] 000000013f1f175d e8d9f9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+310(??$?6U?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f113b) 000000013f1f1762 488d542440 lea rdx,[rsp+40h] // This gives us address of "cPassword" on stack. 000000013f1f1767 488d0dd2f00300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cin (000000013f230840)] 000000013f1f176e e8fff9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+365(??$?5DU?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_istreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f1172) 000000013f1f1773 488d15321c0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb<int>::end+0x84 (000000013f2233ac)] 000000013f1f177a 488d4c2428 lea rcx,[rsp+28h] 000000013f1f177f e86c420000 call Prototype_Console!strcmp (000000013f1f59f0) 000000013f1f1784 85c0 test eax,eax 000000013f1f1786 751d jne Prototype_Console!main+0x95 (000000013f1f17a5) 000000013f1f1788 488d15291c0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb<int>::end+0x90 (000000013f2233b8)] 000000013f1f178f 488d4c2440 lea rcx,[rsp+40h] 000000013f1f1794 e857420000 call Prototype_Console!strcmp (000000013f1f59f0) 000000013f1f1799 85c0 test eax,eax 000000013f1f179b 7508 jne Prototype_Console!main+0x95 (000000013f1f17a5) 000000013f1f179d c744243801000000 mov dword ptr [rsp+38h],1 000000013f1f17a5 837c243800 cmp dword ptr [rsp+38h],0 000000013f1f17aa 7426 je Prototype_Console!main+0xc2 (000000013f1f17d2) 000000013f1f17ac 488d15151c0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb<int>::end+0xa0 (000000013f2233c8)] 000000013f1f17b3 488d0dc6ef0300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cout (000000013f230780)] 000000013f1f17ba e87cf9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+310(??$?6U?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f113b) 000000013f1f17bf 0fb6542438 movzx edx,byte ptr [rsp+38h] 000000013f1f17c4 488d0db5ef0300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cout (000000013f230780)] 000000013f1f17cb e825f9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+240(??$?6U?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f10f5) 000000013f1f17d0 eb13 jmp Prototype_Console!main+0xd5 (000000013f1f17e5) 000000013f1f17d2 488d15ff1b0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb::end+0xb0 (000000013f2233d8)] 000000013f1f17d9 488d0da0ef0300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cout (000000013f230780)] 000000013f1f17e0 e856f9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+310(??$?6U?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f113b) 000000013f1f17e5 33c0 xor eax,eax 000000013f1f17e7 488b4c2450 mov rcx,qword ptr [rsp+50h] 000000013f1f17ec 4833cc xor rcx,rsp 000000013f1f17ef e8bc420000 call Prototype_Console!__security_check_cookie (000000013f1f5ab0) 000000013f1f17f4 4883c468 add rsp,68h 000000013f1f17f8 c3 ret

-----> old RSP value // Stack frame of caller of main is above, stack frame of main is below

  16 bytes of

+40h 8 bytes of "authentication" +38h 16 bytes of "cUsername" +28h

-----> RSP value = old RSP-68h

Username:cPassword Pass: whatever Access granted 1

include #include

using namespace std;

int main() { begin: int authentication = 0; char cUsername[10], cPassword[10]; char cUser[10], cPass[10];

cout << "Username: "; cin >> cUser;

cout << "Pass: "; cin >> cPass;

strcpy(cUsername, cUser); strcpy(cPassword, cPass);

if(strcmp(cUsername, "admin") == 0 && strcmp(cPassword, "adminpass") == 0) { authentication = 1; } if(authentication) { cout << "Access granted\n"; cout << (char)authentication; } else { cout << "Wrong username and password\n"; }

system("pause"); goto begin; } #include

int main( void ) { int authentication = 0; char cUsername[ 10 ]; char cPassword[ 10 ];

std::cout << "Username: "; std::cin >> cUsername;

std::cout << "Pass: "; std::cin >> cPassword;

if( std::strcmp( cUsername, "admin" ) == 0 && std::strcmp( cPassword, "adminpass" ) == 0 ) { authentication = 1; } if( authentication ) { std::cout << "Access granted\n"; std::cout << ( char )authentication; } else { std::cout << "Wrong username and password\n"; }

return ( 0 );

000000013f1f1710 4883ec68 sub rsp,68h 000000013f1f1714 488b0515db0300 mov rax,qword ptr [Prototype_Console!__security_cookie (000000013f22f230)] 000000013f1f171b 4833c4 xor rax,rsp 000000013f1f171e 4889442450 mov qword ptr [rsp+50h],rax 000000013f1f1723 c744243800000000 mov dword ptr [rsp+38h],0 // This gives us address of "authentication" on stack. 000000013f1f172b 488d156e1c0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb<int>::end+0x78 (000000013f2233a0)] 000000013f1f1732 488d0d47f00300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cout (000000013f230780)] 000000013f1f1739 e8fdf9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+310(??$?6U?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f113b) 000000013f1f173e 488d542428 lea rdx,[rsp+28h] // This gives us address of "cUsername" on stack. 000000013f1f1743 488d0df6f00300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cin (000000013f230840)] 000000013f1f174a e823faffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+365(??$?5DU?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_istreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f1172) 000000013f1f174f 488d153e1c0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb::end+0x6c (000000013f223394)] 000000013f1f1756 488d0d23f00300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cout (000000013f230780)] 000000013f1f175d e8d9f9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+310(??$?6U?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f113b) 000000013f1f1762 488d542440 lea rdx,[rsp+40h] // This gives us address of "cPassword" on stack. 000000013f1f1767 488d0dd2f00300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cin (000000013f230840)] 000000013f1f176e e8fff9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+365(??$?5DU?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_istreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f1172) 000000013f1f1773 488d15321c0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb<int>::end+0x84 (000000013f2233ac)] 000000013f1f177a 488d4c2428 lea rcx,[rsp+28h] 000000013f1f177f e86c420000 call Prototype_Console!strcmp (000000013f1f59f0) 000000013f1f1784 85c0 test eax,eax 000000013f1f1786 751d jne Prototype_Console!main+0x95 (000000013f1f17a5) 000000013f1f1788 488d15291c0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb<int>::end+0x90 (000000013f2233b8)] 000000013f1f178f 488d4c2440 lea rcx,[rsp+40h] 000000013f1f1794 e857420000 call Prototype_Console!strcmp (000000013f1f59f0) 000000013f1f1799 85c0 test eax,eax 000000013f1f179b 7508 jne Prototype_Console!main+0x95 (000000013f1f17a5) 000000013f1f179d c744243801000000 mov dword ptr [rsp+38h],1 000000013f1f17a5 837c243800 cmp dword ptr [rsp+38h],0 000000013f1f17aa 7426 je Prototype_Console!main+0xc2 (000000013f1f17d2) 000000013f1f17ac 488d15151c0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb<int>::end+0xa0 (000000013f2233c8)] 000000013f1f17b3 488d0dc6ef0300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cout (000000013f230780)] 000000013f1f17ba e87cf9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+310(??$?6U?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f113b) 000000013f1f17bf 0fb6542438 movzx edx,byte ptr [rsp+38h] 000000013f1f17c4 488d0db5ef0300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cout (000000013f230780)] 000000013f1f17cb e825f9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+240(??$?6U?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f10f5) 000000013f1f17d0 eb13 jmp Prototype_Console!main+0xd5 (000000013f1f17e5) 000000013f1f17d2 488d15ff1b0300 lea rdx,[Prototype_Console!std::_Iosb::end+0xb0 (000000013f2233d8)] 000000013f1f17d9 488d0da0ef0300 lea rcx,[Prototype_Console!std::cout (000000013f230780)] 000000013f1f17e0 e856f9ffff call Prototype_Console!ILT+310(??$?6U?$char_traitsDstdstdYAAEAV?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd (000000013f1f113b) 000000013f1f17e5 33c0 xor eax,eax 000000013f1f17e7 488b4c2450 mov rcx,qword ptr [rsp+50h] 000000013f1f17ec 4833cc xor rcx,rsp 000000013f1f17ef e8bc420000 call Prototype_Console!__security_check_cookie (000000013f1f5ab0) 000000013f1f17f4 4883c468 add rsp,68h 000000013f1f17f8 c3 ret

-----> old RSP value // Stack frame of caller of main is above, stack frame of main is below

  16 bytes of

+40h 8 bytes of "authentication" +38h 16 bytes of "cUsername" +28h

-----> RSP value = old RSP-68h

Username:cPassword Pass: whatever Access granted 1

wcslen() -> wcsnlen() sprintf() -> snprintf() scanf(), getwd(), realpath() atoi(), memcpy(), strtok(),


return 0; }


Exemplo Buffer Overflow

License:MIT License


Language:C 50.0%Language:C++ 50.0%