gabriel-queiroz / resume

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Front-End/Mobile Developer

Guilherme Rodrigues Simeão

Teresina - PI, Brazil

@s_grodrigues - Twitter

guilherme2020 - Github

guilherme-rodrigues - Linkedin

[contact - 558698248770]

I'm FrontEnd/Mobile Developer. My goal is to acquire new skills that will improve my performance and productivity, so that I can grow as a person and as a professional, adding more value to the team project. Being challenged and keeping myself constantly learning are my motivators.


Front-End Developer: Sthorm 03/2020 - a moment

  • Project development and maintenance of project Viralcure(, a crowdfunding to help the hospital of sp clinics.
  • Interface development using Angular9, Bootstrap, SSR, ng/rx.
  • Creating and Maintenance CMS using Angular9, CoreUI.
  • Integration with Api Rest.
  • payment method integration
  • GitFlow.
  • Tests e2e using Cypress.
  • Use of agile methodology
  • Maintenance in BackEnd using NestJS.

Front-End Developer: Publishing company CEV 12/2019 - 02/2020

  • Interface development using ReactJs;
  • Development of a dashboard using ReactJS (hooks, adoption of lib antdesign);
  • Integration with Api Rest;
  • Maintenance in a Multiplatform Application virtual book app for students using React Native (typescript, realm, integration api rest),
  • Deploy to play store and apple store.

Mobile Developer: IdeasTi 03/2019 - 11/2019

  • Use of Kanban agile methodology.
  • Development of a Multiplatform Application (Android / IOS) for the construction of a virtual real estate using React Native.
  • integration with Rest API.
  • state management library.
  • integration with firebase services.
  • integration with maps and geolocation.
  • Deploy to play store and app store.

Mobile Application Development Intern: Infoway 05/2018 - 02/2019

  • Use of the SCRUM agile methodology.
  • Development of a Multiplatform Application (Android / IOS) for ordering snacks by company employees using React Native and integration with Rest API.
  • Maintenance in a Multiplatform Application (Android / IOS) for beneficiaries of the health plans that the company manages using React Native, integration with API Rest, library for state management (Redux Thunk) and integration with maps.

Software Development Intern:IFPI 08/2015 - 12/2016

  • Development of a certificate platform for short courses and lectures on campus using PHP / Laravel.
  • Cafeteria system maintenance - Report module for meals made by servers, students and visitors using PHP / Yii2.

Habilidades e Tecnologias:

Programming Languages: JavaScript [4 anos+],NodeJs[2 ano +], Dart/Flutter [ ~ 1 ano]


  • HTML5, CSS3: MaterializeCss,Bootstrap,Bulma, Sass, FlexBox, Grid Layout, Design Responsive, SEO.
  • JavaScript/ES6: Reactjs(Redux, Styled Components, Unit tests with enzyme and jest, Continuous Integration and Deployment com Codeship), VueJs(Vuex, Vuetify), Angular(NgRx, Test e2e).


  • React Native: Communication with Api-Rest, use of libraries for building UI, use of styled components, use of library for state management (Redux / Redux Thunk), integration with firebase services (Firebase Database and Firebase Cloud Messaging for push notifications), integration with map library and geolocation, application deployment (Play Store, Apple Store).

  • Flutter: integration with Api-Rest.

Back-End: Node (ExpressJs: Image upload, MongoDB integration using mongoose, use of SocketIO. NestJs: TypeOrm, Docker)

Controle de Versionamento: GIT

Databases: SQL(Postgres,MySql),NoSql(MongoDB).

Languages: Native Portuguese, Technical English / Reading

Metodologias ágeis: SCRUM, Kanban, Agile.

Current interests and studies

  • English, NodeJs / AdonisJs, Graphql / ApolloClient, JavaScript tests with TDD, Redux Sagas, design patterns, Storybook, PWA construction with reactjs.
  • Flutter - tests, state management (Bloc, Mobx).


Federal Institute of Technology of Piauí, Teresina - PI, Brazil

  • Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development, 03/2015 - in progress (forecast - July / 2020)

Federal Institute of Technology of Piauí, Teresina - PI, Brazil

  • Computer Technician Course focused on Programming, 03/2014 - 12/2015
