gabref / push_swap

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Push Swap: The most efficient yet inefficient algorithm.

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A journey to understand sorting algo.

Disclaimer: This implementation is purely for personal entertainment, by no means it's suitable for production use cases.


  • Push Swap is a sorting algorithm implemented in C. It efficiently sorts a stack of integers using a series of predefined operations.
  • The algorithm aims to minimize the number of operations required to sort the stack, achieving an efficient sorting process.


  • The push_swap algorithm can be implemented using different data structures such as stacks (Last In First Out) or linked lists.

    • The implementation of the DA was done with an struct with an array that represents the stack, and with others elements to keep track of some data to reduce the need of more computation.
    • Implement functions for stack initialization, stack operations (push, pop, swap, rotate, and reverse rotate), and stack sorting.
    • For my approach, I implemented a function to calculate the minimum number of moves required to push an element from stack A to stack B. This function will determine the optimal moves to push to stack B during the sorting process before the actual sorting operation begins. Kinda a modified insertion sort.

Instruction set

For the following instructions, if the instruction is not possible, the part of it that can't be executed won't.

Code Instruction Action
sa swap a swaps the 2 top elements of stack a
sb swap b swaps the 2 top elements of stack b
ss swap a + swap b both sa and sb
pa push a moves the top element of stack b at the top of stack a
pb push b moves the top element of stack a at the top of stack b
ra rotate a shifts all elements of stack a from bottom to top
rb rotate b shifts all elements of stack b from bottom to top
rr rotate a + rotate b both ra and rb
rra reverse rotate a shifts all elements of stack a from top to bottom
rrb reverse rotate b shifts all elements of stack b from top to bottom
rrr reverse rotate a + reverse rotate b both rra and rrb

Sorting Algorithms

  • The push_swap algorithm uses different sorting techniques based on the number of elements in the stack:
    • A sorting algorithm based on permutations is used for small stack sizes (typically 3 or less). This involves checking all possible permutations of the stack and determining the minimum number of operations required to sort it.
    • For larger stack sizes, more efficient sorting algorithms such as quicksort or mergesort can be implemented. These algorithms divide the stack into smaller sub-stacks, sort them recursively, and then combine them to achieve the final sorted order. Since for this project I had a reduced possibility of moves, I choose a modified version of insertion sort.


  • To compile the push_swap program, run:
    cd push_swap
  • To use the push_swap program, provide a series of integers as arguments:
    ./push_swap <integers>
    For example:
    ./push_swap 5 2 7 1 4
    or if you have ruby installed:
    ./push_swap $(ruby -e 'puts (00..99).to_a.shuffle.join(" ")')
    put a wc -l at the end to count the number of instructions.
  • The program will output a list of operations to sort the input stack. A two/three-letter code represents each operation. The goal is to minimize the number of operations required to sort the stack efficiently.


To get started with this project, you can refer to the following resources:

Feel free to explore additional resources and implement further optimizations to enhance the efficiency of your push_swap algorithm.


This project was completed as part of the curriculum at 42 School.



Language:C 77.9%Language:Makefile 20.5%Language:Shell 1.6%