gabeira / TheMovieDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is an Android App to show a list of movies from The Movie DB.

  • Kotlin Development
  • MVVM Architecture
  • Coroutines
  • Retrofit Http Client


This Project was developed using Android Studio

To Download the code from this Repository you can use Android Studio or command line, running:

git clone

To Configure The Movie DB API Key you need to register using this guide, after that add your key to file automatically generated by Android Studio in the root of the project.


To Build the Project, you can use Android Studio or from command line, just run:

./gradlew build

To install debug app from command line, use:

./adb install /app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk

External Libs Reference


There is some small tests done, but essential for the functionalities, you can run on Android Studio or from the command line, to run the Unit Tests just use:

./gradlew test

Also there is some Connected Android Tests, but this requires to have a device or emulator connected:

./gradlew connectedAndroidTest



Language:Kotlin 100.0%