gWOLF3 / grokking_aosp

Grokking the Android Open Source Project. From System on Chip to Application Runtime.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Grokking AOSP (Android Open Source Project)

Grokking my custom Lineage build from start to finish.

Vendor: google
Device: Pixel XL
codename: Marlin
base ROM: Lineage 17.1
SDK version: 29 (Android 10)

Understanding the Hardware

The SoC

A/B Partition Schema

Boot ROM

Understanding The Boot Process


Fastboot OEM

The Bootloader

Init Process

The Android Runtime (ART) / Dalvik

System Server

Gettings Started: Developing on AOSP

Platform Development

Build Tooling


too slow? use repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle (see here)


  • android build lingo: breakfast, brunch, bacon?

    • breakfast: configure build environment (select device target)

    • lunch: breakfast but include non-standard targets (like emulator or debug version)

    • mka:

    • brunch:

read the code xda blog_ Advice for building efficiently: Udi Cohen blog

Hybrid Build System (Make (legacy) -> Soong (new))

Why are AOSP platform apps not building in Android Studio? Link (Hint: AOSP Doesn't use Gradle)

Pain Points of developing of AOSP

Application Development

(useful if you want to embed apks into a distro without the need to integrate them into the Soong/Make build pipeline)

Its good for other reasons as well.

Android Studio IDE for everything else.

Priviledged Permission

Prebuilt APKs


Grokking the Android Open Source Project. From System on Chip to Application Runtime.