g2chauhan / music-info-lastFM

Used Last.FM API to search for songs and the artist info

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Overview

This project involves using Last.FM API to search for songs and the artist info. The user can enter an artist and get information about the artist, mainly, the the top events performed by the artist and their famous albums.

Overview of Solution:

  1. Technical Stacks:
  • Languages used: HTML, JavaScript
  1. Instructions for opening the app
  • Clone the project
  • Open the index.html file located inside the 'lastFM-api-assignment' folder in a web browser
  1. How does the application work?
  • User input is taken from the HTML document and the input value is passed to the sendRequest(). This creates an XMLHTTPRequest and calls the Last.FM API to fetch artist info.
  • The responses are appended to the div tag of the HTML and is presented to the user in a neat HTML page.
  1. Future work
  • Optimize the code and write it in ES6 syntax and implement transpilers to convert to ES5 code for browser compatibility.


Used Last.FM API to search for songs and the artist info


Language:JavaScript 64.1%Language:HTML 31.7%Language:PHP 4.2%