fzi-forschungszentrum-informatik / TSInterpret

An Open-Source Library for the interpretability of time series classifiers

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TSR generates error

hugo-rddi opened this issue · comments

Some errors are occurring during TSR execution. We tried different configurations (tried the different saliency methods available, FO, IG, SVS, ...).


The following cell worked.

int_mod = TSR(

But this one didn't :


Error :

    147 elif self.method == "IG":
    148     base = baseline_single
--> 149     attributions = self.Grad.attribute(
    150         input, baselines=baseline_single, target=labels
    151     )
    152 elif self.method == "DL":
    153     base = baseline_single

     41 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
---> 42     return func(*args, **kwargs)
    527         )
    528 else:
--> 529     raise AssertionError(f"Target type {type(target)} is not valid.")

AssertionError: Target type  is not valid.

Any idea what can be the problem here ?
Model, train_x, labels and so on are not the origin of the problem given the fact that they respect the same format as expected and worked in NativeGuide execution.

Thanks in advance !


did you parse the label explicitly into int ? int(np.argmax(y_target, axis=1)[0])`

The base library (captum) is unfortunately pretty strict with that.
Really appreciate your feedback, it really helps us to improve the library. I will add some preprocessing for that in the next release. So that others do not run into the same issues.

I added some preprocessing that should solve it:
pip install https://github.com/fzi-forschungszentrum-informatik/TSInterpret/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

As soon as I have additional time I will also improve the error handeling (I know there is still a lot to do ;)).

Again you were right ! Needed to be strictly casted as int.
Thanks, have a nice day