nodejs blockchain barebones client
Getting Started
This application demonstrates the basics of getting started with the Mastercard Core Blockchain API. To get started you should take the following steps
- Clone this repository
- Edit the message.proto file and assign your APP_ID for value of package
- Goto Mastercard Developers and create a Mastercard Blockchain project (note this is currently a private API and you may need to request access). You will be taken through the wizard to create a node. You must provide an APP_ID and a protocol buffer definition i.e. message.proto.
- You will receive a p12 file and a consumer key from Mastercard Developers for your project.
- Execute the following commands
npm install
node app.js
When started it gets you to confirm your parameters and then displays a simple menu.
============ MENU ============
1. Update protocol buffer definition
2. Create entry
3. Retrieve entry
4. Retrieve block
5. Retrieve last confirmed block
6. Show Protocol Buffer Definition
7. Re-initialize API
8. Print Command Line Options
0. Quit
Option: (0)
From this menu you can create basic text entries on the blockchain and then retrieve them. You can also retrieve the block the entry was written.
More Commandline Options
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--consumerKey, --ck consumer key (mastercard developers)
--keystorePath, --kp the path to your keystore (mastercard developers)
--keyAlias, --ka key alias (mastercard developers)
--storePass, --sp keystore password (mastercard developers)
--protoFile, --pf protobuf file
--verbosity, -v log mastercard developers sdk to console[default: false]
Useful Info
This project makes use of the Mastercard Blockchain SDK available from npm.
npm install mastercard-blockchain --save