fxpar / markdown-to-bootstrap

List of Mardown syntax used to convert into Bootstrap components: Jumbotrons, carousels, tabs, accordions, buttons...

Home Page:https://fxpar.github.io/markdown-to-bootstrap/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Markdown to Bootstrap Components

List of the markdown code necessary to be converted in Bootstrap components.

Each version of this specification is published as a Release.

Current version: 0.1


  • make code the most simple for writers
  • avoid unnecessary caracters, especially those hard to type due to key combination on desktop and submenu navigation on mobile: {,},%,[,]
  • if possible, create an implementation that deducts the bootstrap component from the markdown organisation itself and from content semantics, rather than from explicit coding
  • Markdown ::: Div inclusion should be kept minimalistic

Known implementations Projects

The known implementation will be published here.

Language or software Bootstrap 4 Bootstrap 5
Pandoc Lua Partial Mostly
Hugo (Node)
Vuepress (Vue)
Machine Learning (TF)
Machine Learning (Brain.js)
Moosh (Moodle)



Bootstrap customization relies mainly on css classes added to html.

Attributes MUST be passed from markdown to the component through a common syntax.

(see Jumbotron for examples)


Implementation should provide a serie of overrides for the default values.

Overrides MUST be available in the YAML Front Matter of the markdown document.

links-to-button: false
video-to-embeds: false
tabs-pills: true


Below is the markdown code to create the various Bootstrap components.



::: jumbotron
# Main title of the jumbotron
The first paragraph is always a lead text.

More paragraphs can be added after the horizontal line.


The title CAN be of different level than 1 : mostly jumbotron are meant to be big. But for table of contents, it might be useful to put a header smaller than h1. User choice should be reflected in the output.

First paragraph after title is "lead": only the first paragraph has a "lead" class.

The horizontal line is not necessary : as per definition, jumbotron includes a line after the first paragraph.

  • color of the line border SHOULD follow the color of the text

Attributes MUST be passed: background color, text color especially must be passed through the following attribute syntax

::: jumbotron {.bg-success .text-white}
# Title of a colored jumbotron
Lead text of a colored jumbotron.

Description after a horizontal line of a colored jumbotron.


All the bootstrap color are included:

  • primary
  • secondary
  • info
  • warning
  • danger
  • light
  • dark


::: info
Here is an information alert


Alert can be included in most other components


See also carddeck


::: card

::: header
The card-header can include anything: text, format, buttons, images

# Card can contain titles

And one or more paragraphs
Even links or images

::: footer
This content is in the foot. Formated text can be there.



Header and footer MUST be optional: they are not required in bootstrap documentation

Content is considered as card-body: markdown code doesn't require a ::: body to be included

Colon number is not relevant: following pandoc, the number of colons can be increased for readability.

Cards can be included in most other components

Images inside a card SHOULD be card-image: add the card-img and card-fluid classes by default



::: carousel 

# First slide label
Some representative placeholder content for the first slide.

# Second slide label
Some representative placeholder content for the second slide.

# Third slide label
Some representative placeholder content for the third slide.



Carousel id SHOULD NOT be required: although it might be useful for linking, an automatic id should be applied to the carousel

Multiple carousel MUST be allowed on a same page: this reinforce the necessity of an automatic id system

Level of first title defines the slides: depending on document structure, user might want to start a carousel from title level 1, 2, 3...

** ::: Slide tag is not necessary**: as per the manifest, it SHOULD NOT be necessary to add other divs to create the accordion

** ::: Slide tag COULD be implemented**: user might want to include same title level inside the slide. Allowing the use of ::: Slide could be useful.



::: accordion

# Accordion Item #1
First toggle content

# Accordion Item #2
Second toggle content

# Accordion Item #3
Third toggle content



The level of the first title defines the drawer: the implementation SHOULD apply the first title inside the carousel div as the title level for all drawers

::: Drawer tag is not necessary: as per the manifest, it SHOULD NOT be necessary to add other divs to create the accordion

::: Drawer tag COULD be implemented: user might want to include same title level inside the drawer. Allowing the use of ::: Drawer could be useful.

Multiple accordions MUST be possible on page: automatic id is therefore expected in implementation

Discussion is opened for a short version ::: acc: for now only the official ::: accordion tag is considered



::: tabs

# First Tab Link
## Subtitle of the first tab
Content of the first tab

# Second tab Link
## Subtitle for the second tab
Content of the second tab

# Third tab link
## Subtitle for the third tab
Content of the third tab



** :::Tabs is singular**: the ::: accordion tag is plural with an "s" at the end (as opposed to most of the other tags).


Links SHOULD turned into buttons: this is the default conversion behaviour.


Some media links should be turned into embeds: conversion should be simplified for writers

Exemple: youtube syntaxt SHOULD be converted from watch url to embed url automatically


List of Mardown syntax used to convert into Bootstrap components: Jumbotrons, carousels, tabs, accordions, buttons...
