futureversecom / fv-wallet

Futureverse wallet based on ERC725Account

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Futureverse Wallet

This repo includes implementation of EIP725 based wallet and an account registry contract (to register wallet for new users).

Account registry


Consists of 2 contracts - which work together to implement the ERC725Account spec:

  • KeyManager - based on LSP6
  • ERC725Account - based on LSP0


Responsible for permissions (ERC725Y substandard). A manager/owner and entrypoint for the ERC725Account (controls the ERC725Account contract).

Why do we need this?

  • allows the ERC725Account contract to be managed by multiple addresses (since ERC725Account is only managed by a single address)
  • enables de-coupling of the permissions logic of the ERC725Account contract
  • enables upgradability of the permissions logic (KeyManager)

KeyManager standards - ERC165 0xfb437414

  • ERC165
  • ERC1271


Responsible for execution (ERC725X substandard - for calls, contract deployments).

Management of the ERC725Y functionality (data key-value store) is provided by the owner KeyManager contract.

ERC725Account standards - ERC165 0x66767497

note: This bytes4 interface id is calculated as the XOR of the interfaceId of the following standards: ERC725Y, ERC725X, LSP1-UniversalReceiver, ERC1271, LSP14Ownable2Step and LSP17Extendable.


Alt text

  • The FuturePassIdentityRegistry is the core contract which is responsible for creating user digital identities/accounts
    • It is deployed via TransparentUpgradableProxy pattern - to support future upgrades
    • note: We do not use hardhat upgrades lib to deploy the proxy, instead an EOA is simply set as the proxy owner (instead of a contract)
  • The FuturePass is a modified version of the LSP0/ERC725Account contract, this is the digital identity contract (responsible for on-chain actions/calls)
    • This is deployed as a logic contract (implementation which a beacon proxy would point to)
  • The FuturePassKeyManager is modified version of the LSP6 contract, this is responsible for the permissions logic of the FVIdenttity contract
  • UpgradableBeacon - 2 upgradable beacons are deployed, which point to FuturePass and FuturePassKeyManager implementation contracts
    • The beacon proxy pattern is used here (described here), this allows admin to upgrade all user accounts (FuturePass and FuturePassKeyManager) in case new functionality/fixes are to be introduced. This is a cost-effective approach to support mass-upgrades on all user accounts (with single TX)
  • The register(address) function is used to create new future pass for an address
    • This creates a BeaconProxy pointing to the FuturePass upgradable beacon; inheriting logic of the FuturePass contract
    • This also creates a BeaconProxy pointing to the FuturePassKeyManager upgradable beacon; inheriting logic of the FuturePassKeyManager contract
    • The proxies are setup such that the user's FuturePassKeyManager proxy points to the FuturePass (target) and the FuturePass proxy owner is set to be the FuturePassKeyManager proxy contract
      • The owner of the FuturePassKeyManager proxy is the EOA (address being registered)
        • The FuturePassKeyManager proxy contract is the only entrypoint into the FuturePass proxy contract (user's digital identity)
    • note: The proxies only hold state of the respective contracts, they are upgradable (upgrading beacon upgrades FuturePass contract logic)

Deployment procedure

The deployment script will perform the following actions:

  title Contract deployment

  participant Admin as Admin EOA
  participant TRN as Root Network

  Admin ->> TRN: Deploy FuturePass logic contract
  Admin ->> TRN: Deploy FuturePassKeyManager logic contract
  Admin ->> TRN: Deploy Utils Library
  Admin ->> TRN: Deploy FuturePassIdentityRegistry logic contract with linked Utils library
  Admin ->> TRN: Deploy TransparentUpgradeableProxy with FuturePassIdentityRegistry, initialize upon deployment 
  TRN -->> TRN: deploy UpgradableBeacons, point implementations to FuturePass and FuturePassKeyManager contracts

User registration flow

  title Account registration

  participant User
  participant Registry as FuturePassIdentityRegistry

  User ->> Registry: Calls register(address)
  Registry -->> Registry: Deploy BeaconProxy (pointing to FuturePass beacon impl)
  Registry -->> Registry: Deploy BeaconProxy (pointing to FuturePassKeyManager beacon impl)
  Registry -->> Registry: Initialize FuturePassKeyManager proxy with FuturePass proxy as target
  Registry -->> Registry: Initialize FuturePass proxy with FuturePassKeyManager proxy as owner (all permissions)
  Registry -->> Registry: Register FuturePassKeyManager proxy as the user addresses account manager
  Registry ->> User: Emit FuturePassRegistered and return FuturePassKeyManager (proxy) address 



Install, Build, Test

Retrieve git submodules:

forge install

Build contracts:

forge build

Run tests:

forge test


Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required values.

cp .env.example .env

Note: Dummy values (private key and public address) for Alice have been provided.

Deploying to local network

  1. Start local node (e.g. anvil)
  2. Run command:


yarn deploy:local


forge script script/Deployer.s.sol:Deployment --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast

Prod deployment


yarn deploy:porcini


source .env
forge script script/Deployer.s.sol:Deployment --rpc-url $GOERLI_RPC_URL --broadcast --verify -vvvv

Note: The --verify flag will verify the deployed contracts on Etherscan. Note2: Forge cannot be used to deploy to TRN - due to issue


forge test -vvv

Gas golf

forge test --gas-report
  1. Get gas results for unit tests as starting point
  2. Make changes
  3. Rerun gas tests
  4. Compare results


Futureverse wallet based on ERC725Account


Language:Solidity 95.4%Language:TypeScript 4.6%