fushar / tokilib

Framework for test case generators and validators

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tokilib is now deprecated in favor of ia-toki/tcframe.

tokilib is a C++ framework for generating test cases for competitive programming problems. It currently only support batch problems, i.e. problems whose test cases consist of .in and .out files. It works in UNIX and Windows. It has been used for IOI training camps in Indonesia.

This framework is essentially a wrapper for MikeMirzayanov/testlib framework.


First, let's introduce some terms used in tokilib.

  • A test case consists of one input and one output files. A test case belongs to exactly one batch. Within a batch, the test cases are numbered starting from 1.
  • A batch is a set of test cases. All test cases in a batch conform to the same set of subtasks. The batches are numbered starting from 1.
  • A sample batch is a special batch which serves as the sample input/output test cases. Each test case in a batch does not have to conform to the same set of subtasks. This sample batch is numbered 0.
  • A subtask is a set of constraints for variables in a problem. This term originates from IOI 2010. A problem usually consists of several subtasks. The subtasks are numbered starting from 1.
  • A generator is a C++ file that when executed, will generate the test cases for a problem.
  • A validator is a C++ file that takes a single test case input file, and when executed, will verify whether the test case is valid according to the specified constraints in the subtask.
  • A slug is the codename of the problem, preferrably in lowercase letters and has no spaces.


Here are the steps for generating test cases for a single problem.

Setting up the framework

You will need a directory containing the solution, generator, and validator. You can copy the template/ directory for reference. You will also need testlib.h, generator.h, and validator.h in the same directory. Typically they are placed outside the problem directories so that you can use one copy of each for all problems.

Writing the validator

The template for a validator can be found in template/validator.cpp. It must include validator.h. You must begin the main() function with beginValidator(argc, argv) call and end it with endValidator() call.

A validator consists of two parts:

  1. Subtask definitions
  2. Test case validation

1. Subtask definitions

A subtask definition is a set of statements inside the main() function with the following structure:

  • beginSubtask() call.
  • A set of variable assignments as the constraints. The variables are typically the minimum and maximum bounds of variables in the problem.
  • endSubtask() call.

Best practices:

  • Name your variables like this: N_min, N_max where N is a variable in problem statement.

  • Surround the variable assignments with curly braces { }.

  • Write the subtask definitions in one line like this: beginSubtask(); { N_min = 1; N_max = 100; } endSubtask();

  • or in multiple line like this:

      N_min = 1;
      N_max = 1;

2. Test case validation

You must write a function void validateCase() that reads and verifies the input. Here are examples of most commonly used function calls for this purpose. Please refer to testlib.h for full documentation.

  • int N = inf.readInt(N_min, N_max, "N") Reads an int named N, and verifies that N_min ≤ N ≤ N_max (or abort otherwise).
  • long N = inf.readLong(N_min, N_max, "N") Reads a long long named N, and verifies that N_min ≤ N ≤ N_max (or abort otherwise).
  • double N = inf.readDouble(N_min, N_max, "N") Reads a double named N, and verifies that N_min ≤ N ≤ N_max (or abort otherwise).
  • string S = inf.readToken(format("[a-zA-Z]{1, %d}", N_max), "S") Reads a token named S, and verifies that S contains between 1 and N_max characters 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z' (or abort otherwise).
  • ensuref(condition, message) Verifies that condition is satisifed, or aborts and outputs message otherwise.
  • readSpace() Reads a space (or abort if no space found).
  • readEoln() Reads a new line (or abort if no new line found).
  • readEof() Verifies that EOF has been reached (or abort otherwise).

Best practices:

  • There is a function format() that behaves similar to printf() except that it returns the string. Use this in readXXX() calls when reading elements of array to include the index, like this:
    inf.readInt(Si_min, Si_max, format("S[%d]", i));

Writing the generator

The template for a generator can be found in template/generator.cpp. It must include generator.h. You must begin the main() function with beginGenerator(argc, argv) call and end it with endGenerator() call.

A generator consists of eight parts:

  1. Sample batch definition
  2. Batch definitions
  3. Sample test case definitions
  4. Test case generations
  5. Test case definitions
  6. Sample test case printing
  7. Test case printing
  8. Problem configuration

1. Sample batch definition

A sample batch definition is a function with the following structure:

  • beginSampleBatch() call.
  • Sample test case definitions.
  • endBatch() call.

2. Batch definitions

A batch definition is a function with the following structure:

  • beginBatch() call.
  • setSubtasks() call that takes a string of space- or comma-separated subtask numbers. For example, call setSubtasks("1, 2, 4") to indicate that this batch conforms to subtasks 1, 2, and 4.
  • Test case definitions.
  • endBatch() call.

Best practices:

  • Name your batch functions batchX() where X is the batch number.

3. Sample test case definitions

A sample test case definition is a set of statements with the following structure:

  • beginCase() call.
  • setSubtasks() call as defined in the previous section. This is due to the fact that sample test cases do not have to conform to the same set of subtasks.
  • endCase() call.

Best practices:

  • Write the sample test case definition in one line like this: beginCase(); { setSubtasks("1, 2"); } endCase();

4. Test case generations

Test case generations are just functions that generates the values of each variables from the problem statement. Here are examples of most commonly used function calls for this purpose. Please refer to testlib.h for full documentation.

  • rnd.next() Generates a random double value in range [0, 1).
  • rnd.next(X) Generates a random value in range [0, X).
  • rnd.next(from, to) Generates a random value in range [from, to].
  • rnd.next(format("[a-z]{minl, maxl}")) Generates a random string of [minl, maxl] characters 'a'-'z'.
  • shuffle(begin, end) Random shuffle elements in [begin, end) iterators.

The type of value returned by rnd.next() calls depends on the type of the parameters.

Best practices:

  • Separate your variables into several components. For example, if the input consists of a tree each of whose node has an associative value, then you have two components: a tree and an array of values.
  • Create test case generations for each component independently.
  • Create global variables for the components.
  • Name the test case generation as an adjective followed by the name of the component. For example: randomArray(), binaryTree().
  • Each test case generation should returns void and does not take parameters. Its purpose is to construct the components based on some settings. The settings are specified in test case definitions.
  • See the provided examples for further reference.

5. Test case definition

A test case definition is a set of statements with the following structure:

  • beginCase() call.

  • Test case generation calls.

  • endCase() call.

  • Surround the test case generation calls with curly braces { }.

  • Write the test case definitions in one line like this: beginCase(); { N = 100; randomTree(); } endCase();

  • or in multiple line like this:

      N = 100;
  • Write each test case explicitly -- do not use loops.

6. Sample test case printing

You must write a function void printSampleCase(int tc) that takes the sample test case number as the parameter. It should print the sample test case number tc.

Best practices:

  • Just print the sample test cases as they appear in problem statement. Do not use loops or function calls at all.

7. Test case printing

You must write a function void printCase() It should print the test case based on the current state of constructed components.

8. Problem configuration

Inside the main() function, you should call these functions (between beginGenerator() and endGenerator()):

  • setSlug(slug) Sets the slug (codename).
  • setMode(mode) Sets the mode. It should be either "single" (each test case in a single file) or "multiple" (all test cases in a subtask are in a single file, preceded with the number of test cases).
  • setSolution(executable) Sets the executable for running the solution. Typically it is "solution". The executable must be present in the working directory.
  • setValidator(executable) Sets the executable for running the validator. Typically it is "validator". The executable must be present in the working directory.

Best practices

  • Do not use "./" as the prefix of validator and solution executables. It won't work in Windows.

Writing the solution

Write the reference solution for the problem.

Running the generator

To actually generate the test cases, perform these steps:

  • Compile the solution.
  • Compile the validator.
  • Compile the generator.
  • Run the generator: ./generator in UNIX or generator in Windows. You can also specify the initial seed for the random number generation as its first argument.

Then, you can see the status of the test case generation. The test cases will be stored in tc/ directory.


Please see the examples provided in examples/ directory for a better understanding of the best-practice structure of good generators and validators.


tokilib is released under MIT license.


Framework for test case generators and validators

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%