fury02 / merkle-patricia-trie.mo

A Merkle Patricia Trie implementation in Motoko

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Merkle Patricia Trie

Implementation of a Merkle Patricia Trie in Motoko.



A easy way to use this library is by using the package manager MOPS. After installing mops, you can install merkle-patricia-trie by running the following command:

mops add merkle-patricia-trie


An alternative package manager is Vessel.

Add the repository to package-set.dhall:

let additions = [
  { name = "merkle-patricia-trie"
  , version = "master"
  , repo = "https://github.com/f0i/merkle-patricia-trie.mo"
  , dependencies = [ "base", "rlp", "sha3" ],
  { name = "rlp"
  , version = "master"
  , repo = "https://github.com/relaxed04/rlp-motoko"
  , dependencies = [] : List Text
  { name = "sha3"
  , version = "master"
  , repo = "https://github.com/hanbu97/motoko-sha3"
  , dependencies = [] : List Text
] : List Package

and to the dependencies in vessel.dhall:

  dependencies = [ "base", "merkle-patricia-trie" ],
  compiler = Some "0.7.4"


Here is a basic example of how to use this library:

import Trie "mo:merkle-patricia-trie/Trie";
import Key "mo:merkle-patricia-trie/Key";
import Value "mo:merkle-patricia-trie/Value";
import Hash "mo:merkle-patricia-trie/Hash";
import Proof "mo:merkle-patricia-trie/Proof";
import Debug "mo:base/Debug";

// Create an empty trie and add a key/value pair
var trie = Trie.init();
trie := Trie.put(trie, Key.fromText("one"), Value.fromText("value1"));

// Get value
let value = Trie.get(trie, Key.fromText("one"));
assert value == ?Value.fromText("value1");

// Get the root hash of the trie
let hash = Trie.hash(trie);

// Create a proof
let proof = Trie.createProof(trie, Key.fromText("one"));

// Verify the proof against the root hash
let proofResult = Proof.verify(hash, Key.fromText("one"), proof);

// Print proof result
switch (proofResult) {
    case (#included value) {
        Debug.print("Proof was valid and returned value " # Value.toHex(value));
    case (#excluded) {
        Debug.print("Proof was valid and key is not included in trie");
    case (#invalidProof) {
        Debug.print("Proof was invalid. Can not make statement about the key");

For all available function see the docs:

Usage with a separate DB

There is a second implementation TrieWithDb which stores paris of Hash/Node in a separate key value store (e.g. MotokoStableBTree).

To use it, replace the import of Trie with TrieWithDB and use Proof.createWithDB to create proofs:

import Trie "mo:merkle-patricia-trie/TrieWithDB";
import Key "mo:merkle-patricia-trie/Key";
import Value "mo:merkle-patricia-trie/Value";
import Hash "mo:merkle-patricia-trie/Hash";
import Proof "mo:merkle-patricia-trie/Proof";
import TrieMap "mo:base/TrieMap";
import Debug "mo:base/Debug";

// Create an empty trie and add a key/value pair
var trie = Trie.init();
let db = TrieMap.TrieMap<Hash.Hash, Trie.Node>(Hash.equal, Hash.hash);

switch (Trie.put(trie, Key.fromText("one"), Value.fromText("value1"), db)) {
  case (#ok newTrie) { trie := newTrie };
  case (#err hash) { Debug.trap("missing hash: " # Hash.toHex(hash)) };

// Get value
let value = Trie.get(trie, Key.fromText("one"), db);
assert value == #ok(?Value.fromText("value1"));

// Get the root hash of the trie
let hash = Trie.hash(trie);

// Create a proof
let proof = switch (Trie.createProof(trie, Key.fromText("one"), db)) {
  case (#ok(proof)) { proof };
  case (#err(hash)) { Debug.trap("missing hash: " # Hash.toHex(hash)) };

// Verify the proof against the root hash
let proofResult = Proof.verify(hash, Key.fromText("one"), proof);

// Print proof result
switch (proofResult) {
  case (#included value) {
    Debug.print("Proof was valid and returned value " # Value.toHex(value));
  case (#excluded) {
    Debug.print("Proof was valid and key is not included in trie");
  case (#invalidProof) {
    Debug.print("Proof was invalid. Can not make statement about the key");

Usage of Trie and TrieWithDb should not be mixed and can cause a trap!


Using the putfunction to build the trie will use less memory than than using putWithDb for the following reasons:

  • intermediate nodes added with put will be detached and can be deleted by the garbage collector whereas putWithDb keeps them in the database.
  • Additional overhead for the data structure used by the database

Performance is mostly limited by the hashing function used (Sha3/Keccak). Using the put function will calculate the hash of each Node on demand when rootHash is calculated. Using putWithDb will calculate each node hash immediately even for intermediate nodes which are not used in the final trie.


All test cases can be executed using the test.sh script.




A Merkle Patricia Trie implementation in Motoko


Language:Motoko 98.3%Language:Shell 1.2%Language:Dhall 0.5%