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BitMax API

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Bitmax | API Document

Note: we changed our API URLs on 2018-08-24. Even though the old URLs still work, you are strongly recommended to use the new URLs as described on this page.


Product Symbols

The exchange adopted format baseAssetCode/quoteAssetCode for product symbols. For instance, ETH/BTC = 0.052 means the price of 1 ETH is 0.052 BTC. Althought not required, it is recommended to use ETH-BTC in API paths to avoid polluting the path string.

Public RESTful APIs

Public RESTful API entry point: https://bitmax.io/api/<version-num>.

List of all assets

GET api/v1/assets

The API returns a List of object, each contains a list of asset property fields:

// some fields are omitted for conciseness
    "assetCode":        "ETH",
    "assetName":        "Ethereum",
    "withdrawalFee":     0.0001,
    "minWithdrawalAmt":  0.1,
    "statusCode":       "Normal"     // enum: Normal, NotTrading

List all products

GET api/v1/products

Successful response: a list of all product objects. Each product object contains three parts - product, baseAsset, and quoteAsset.

// some fields are omitted for conciseness
        "symbol" : "LBA/BTC",
        "baseAsset" : "LBA",
        "quoteAsset" : "BTC",
        "priceScale" : 8,
        "qtyScale" : 2,
        "status" : "Normal"

Market Quote (Level 1 Order Book Data) of One Product

GET api/v1/quote

This API is not available yet.

Market Depth (Level 2 Order Book Data) of One Product

GET api/v1/depth

The query takes two parameters:

  • symbol - a valid symbols. Example symbol=ETH-BTC
  • n - number of levels to be included in the order book. n is currently limited to 100 or fewer. Example n=10

Successful response: an object consists of the inner-most n bid levels and n ask levels (top-of-the-book).

   "m": "depth",            // message type
   "s": "ETH/BTC",          // symbol
   "asks": [                // ask levels (list of individual levels)
       ["9924", "59.16"],   // [price, quantity]
       ["9914", "95.04"],
   "bids": [                // bid levels (list of individual levels)
       ["14180", "60.17"],  // [price, quantity]
       ["14190", "13.39"],

Market Trades

GET api/v1/trades

The query takes two parameters:

  • symbol - a valid symbol. Example symbol=ETH-BTC
  • n - number of trades to be included in the response. n is currently limited to 100 or fewer. Example n=10

Successful response: an object containing a list of recent trades.

  "m": "marketTrades",       // message type
  "s": "ETH/BTC",            // symbol
  "trades": [
      "p":  "13.75",         // price
      "q":  "6.68",          // quantity
      "t":  1528988084944,   // timestamp
      "bm": False            // if true, the buyer is the market maker
      "p":  "13.75",         // price
      "q":  "6.68",          // quantity
      "t":  1528988084944,   // timestamp
      "bm": False            // if true, the buyer is the market maker

24-hour Rolling Statistics of All Products

GET api/v1/ticker/24hr

Successful response: list of objects containing 24-hour rolling statistics for all products.

      "symbol":       "LTC/ETH",
      "interval":     "1d",
      "barStartTime":  1536869696784,
      "openPrice":    "10.32",
      "closePrice":   "9.83",
      "highPrice":    "11.9",
      "lowPrice":     "7.23",
      "volume":       "123.45"

24-hour Rolling Statistics of one Product

GET api/v1/ticker/24hr?symbol=<sym>

The query takes one parameter:

  • symbol - a valid symbol. Example symbol=ETH-BTC

Successful response: the 24-hour rolling statistics of the product specified.

  "symbol":       "LTC/ETH",
  "interval":     "1d",
  "barStartTime":  1536869696784,
  "openPrice":    "10.32",
  "closePrice":   "9.83",
  "highPrice":    "11.9",
  "lowPrice":     "7.23",
  "volume":       "123.45"

Bar History

Bar History Info

GET api/v1/barhist/info

Successful response: the (intervalName, intervalMilliseconds) pair current supported by the exchange.

  "1":   60000,
  "5":   300000,
  "30":  1800000,
  "60":  3600000,
  "360": 21600000,
  "1d":  86400000

Bar History Data

GET api/barhist/


FieldName    Example         Description
---------    -------         -----------
symbol       ETH-BTC         the product symbol
from         1539654780000   start time, milliseconds since UNIX epoch in UTC
to           1539645600000   end time, milliseconds since UNIX epoch in UTC
interval     1               the length of the bar

Successful response: list of bars from from to to:

    "m":  "bar",          // message 
    "s":  "ETH/BTC",      // symbol
    "ba": "ETH",          // base asset 
    "qa": "BTC",          // quote asset 
    "i":  "1",            // interval: 1/5/30/60/360/1d
    "t":  1531911360000,  // time
    "o":  "0.00745",      // open
    "c":  "0.00762",      // close 
    "h":  "0.00771",      // high
    "l":  "0.00742",      // low 
    "v":  "12.334"        // volume 

Authenticated RESTful APIs

Private RESTful API entry point: https://bitmax.io/<account-group>/api/<version-num> (see API Entry Point section below for details)


To use the authenticated RESTful APIs, you need to first apply for an API key and a secret key to sign the message. You should include the API key in each of your request along with a signature signed using the secret key. Please don't share the secret key with anyone. (Please contact us to obtain your keys.)

Each authenticated request must include the following fields in the header:

  • x-auth-key - the API key
  • x-auth-signature - the message signed using sha256 using the base64-decoded secret key on the prehash string {timestamp}+{api_path}.
  • x-auth-timestamp - milliseconds since UNIX epoch in UTC
  • x-auth-coid - this field is only required when placing a new order or canceling an order, see below for details

For instance, to query all your balance through api path balances at 2018-06-26 20:49:34.012 UTC (timestamp=1530046174012), you could obtain the signature by applying the sha256 algorithm to string 1530046174012+balances. The signing process can be implemented in python 3.6+ as:

# python 3.6+
import hmac, hashlib, base64

key = "eb1vhzkNbG...Gw19EsWP6x"  # a secret key that you should
                                 # never share with others

msg = bytearray("1530047198600+balances".encode("utf-8"))

hmac_key = base64.b64decode(key)
signature = hmac.new(hmac_key, msg, hashlib.sha256)
signature_b64 = base64.b64encode(signature.digest()).decode("utf-8")  

print(signature_b64) # the signature of interest

Remark: to place a new order or to cancel an order, you should include order ID in the message:

coid = "lx3r...R9Lo"
msg = bytearray("1530047198600+order+{}".format(coid).encode("utf-8"))

Remark: to place or cancel multiple orders, you should include all order IDs in the message:

coids = "+".join(["lx3r...R9Lo", "ck8e...pE91", "Xlds...1Sce"])
msg = bytearray("1530047198600+order+{}".format(coids).encode("utf-8"))

Please note that we will switch to a new signing method from 2018-09-26 onward. Although you can still use the algorithm above, you are encouraged to switch to the new signing method.

# python 3.6+
import hmac, hashlib, base64

key = "eb1vhzkNbG...Gw19EsWP6x"  # a secret key that you should never share with others

msg = bytearray("1530047198600+balances".encode("utf-8"))

hmac_key = bytearray(secret.encode("utf-8"))  
signature = base64.b64encode(hmac.new(hmac_key, msg, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())

print(signature) # the signature of interest

API Entry Point

BitMax assign dedicated servers to users within the same account group. This greatly increases the per-user throughput of each server. API users are expected to specify the account group in the query URL in order to connect to the desired server. Otherwise, the request will be rejected.

The API entry point for authenticated APIs is https://bitmax.io/<account-group>/api. For instance, the user with account group 3 should use https://bitmax.io/3/api to query authenticated data.

Account group is expected stay the same over time. However, it is recommended that API users check the account group at the begining of the program. Refer to GET user/info for how to get account group.

API Calls with Input Data

Some API calls require user input data. The server only accept JSON as input type, please make sure you specify the data type in the request header:

Content-Type: application/json

User Info (api_path=user/info)

GET api/v1/user/info

Successful response: an object with basic user information.

  "accountGroup": 5

List all Balances (api_path=balance)

GET <account-group>/api/v1/balance

Successful response: a list of all your current balances.

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
        "assetCode":       "TSC",
        "assetName":       "Ethereum",
        "totalAmount":     "20.03",    // total balance amount
        "availableAmount": "20.03",    // balance amount available to trade
        "btcValue":        "70.81"     // the current BTC value of the balance

Get Balance of one Asset (api_path=balance)

GET <account-group>/api/v1/balance/<asset>

Successful response: one object with current balance data of the asset specified.

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
      "assetCode":       "TSC",
      "assetName":       "Ethereum",
      "totalAmount":     "20.03",    // total balance amount
      "availableAmount": "20.03",    // balance amount available to trade
      "btcValue":        "70.81"     // the current BTC value of the balance

Get Deposit/Withdraw History (api_path=transaction)

GET <account-group>/api/v1/transaction


FieldName    Example         Description
---------    -------         -----------
assetCode    "BTC"           Optional
page         1               the page index, starts at 1
pageSize     10              the page size
txType       "deposit"       Optional, accepted values: deposit, withdrawal

Successful response contains:

  'page':     1,
  'pageSize': 2,
  'hasNext':  False, 
  'data': [
      'time': 1539125157899,
      'asset': 'BTC',
      'transactionType': 'withdrawal',
      'amount':          '1.00000000',
      'commission':      '0.00000000',
      'networkTransactionId': '12E729B2B0283170C5D61B2EAF672186060EDE4D9EF8FDA78DEE2A76BD5B07A6',
      'status': 'completed'


Stages of an Order's Life Cycle

An order may be in one of the following status:

  • New
  • PartiallyFilled
  • Filled
  • Canceled
  • Rejected

Place a New Order (api_path=order)

POST <account-group>/api/v1/order

For this API you must include x-auth-coid in your request header.

Request body schema: application/json

FieldName    FieldType    Example         Description
---------    ---------    -------         -----------
coid         string       "xxx...xxx"     a unique identifier  
time         long         1528988100000   milliseconds since UNIX epoch in UTC  
symbol       string       "ETH/BTC"       
orderPrice   string       "13.5"           
orderQty     string       "3.5"           
orderType    string       "limit"         currently we only support limit order
side         string       "buy"           buy or sell

Each request should contain a unique identifier coid. coid is no more than 32-charaters and consists of only lower case characters (a-z), upper case characters (A-Z) and digits (0-9).

Each request should also specify time - the request time as the total milliseconds since UNIX epoch in UTC. Requests placed more than 30 seconds ago are treated as expired and will not be processed.

Success response:

  "status": "success",   // status = success means the server has processed the request
  data: {
    "coid": "xxx...xxx",
    "action": "new",
    "success": true  // success = true means the order has been submitted to the matching engine. 

Response code 200 OK means the order has been received by the server. However, it doesn't imply that the order has been successfully submitted to the matching engine. API users should use the success: boolean field in the API response to check if the order has been successfully passed to the system. For instance, if one doesn't have enough balance, he/she will get success = false.

Even if the order has been passed to the matching engine, it might still be rejected. API users should use the list open order API to monitor the status of the order placed. (see below)

Placing Multiple Orders (api_path=order/batch) (comming soon)

You may combine multiple orders into one request

POST <account-group>/api/v1/batch

For this API, you must include x-auth-coid in your request header. You must concatenate IDs of all orders with character +. The order of IDs in the header must match the orders in the request.

You may submit up to 10 orders at a time. Server will respond with InvalidRequest if you submit more than 10 orders.

Request body: application/json

  "orders": [
      "coid":       "xxx...xxx",
      "time":       1528988100000,  // timestamp, must be the same for all orders 
      "symbol":     "ETH/BTC",
      "orderPrice": "13.5",
      "orderQty":   "3.5",
      "orderType":  "limit",
      "side":       "buy"

Successful response: an object containing a list of (symbol, orderId)

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
    ["ETH/BTC", "xxx...xxx"],

Cancel an Order (api_path=order)

DELETE <account-group>/api/v1/order

For this API you must include x-auth-coid in your request header.

Request body schema: application/json

FieldName   FieldType    Example         Description
---------   ---------    -------         -----------
coid        string       "xxx...xxx"     a unique identifier, see POST api/order for details

origCoid    string       "yyy...yyy"     the coid of the order to cancel

time        long         1528988100000   milliseconds since UNIX epoch in UTC,
                                         see POST api/order for details

symbol      string       "ETH/BTC"

You must correclty specify the origCoid in order to cancel an open order. The exchange will reject the request if it cannot find any open order using the provided origCoid.

Response code 200 OK means the order has been placed successfully in our system. API users should use websocket to monitor the status of the order placed.

Cancel Multiple Orders (api_path=order/batch) (comming soon)

You may delete multiple orders in the single request:

DELETE <account-group>/api/v1/order/batch

For this API you must include x-auth-coid in your request header. You must concatenate IDs of all orders with character +. The order of IDs in the header must match the orders in the request.

You may submit up to 10 orders at a time. Server will respond with InvalidRequest if you submit more than 10 orders.

Request body: application/json

  "orders": [
      "coid":       "xxx...xxx",
      "origCoid":   "yyy...yyy",
      "time":       1528988100000,  // timestamp, must be the same for all orders 
      "symbol":     "ETH/BTC",

Successful response: an object containing a list of (symbol, orderId)

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
    ["ETH/BTC", "xxx...xxx"],

Cancel All Open Orders (api_path=order/all)

DELETE <account-group>/api/v1/order/all

This query sends cancel request for all open orders.

Cancel All Open Orders of a Symbol (api_path=order/all)

DELETE <account-group>/api/v1/order/all?symbol=<sym>

This query tries to cancel all open orders of a particular symbol.

List of All Open Orders (api_path=order/open)

GET <account-group>/api/v1/order/open

Successful response: List of all your open orders. (Filtering by symbol will be supported in the next release)

  "status": "success"
  "data": [
      "time":        1528988100000,
      "coid":        "xxx...xxx",     // the unique identifier, you will need
                                      // this value to cancel this order
      "symbol":      "ETH/BTC",
      "baseAsset":   "ETH",
      "quoteAsset":  "BTC",
      "side":        "buy",
      "orderPrice":  "13.45",
      "orderQty":    "3.5",
      "filled":      "1.5",           // filled quantity
      "fee":         "0.00012",       // cumulative fee paid for this order
      "feeAsset":    "ETH",           // the asset
      "status":      "PartiallyFilled"

Get Basic Order Data of One Order (api_path=order)

GET <account-group>/api/v1/order/<coid>

Successful response: basic data of an open orders.

  "status": "success"
  "data": {
      "time":        1528988100000,
      "coid":        "xxx...xxx",     // the unique identifier, you will need
                                      // this value to cancel this order
      "symbol":      "ETH/BTC",
      "baseAsset":   "ETH",
      "quoteAsset":  "BTC",
      "side":        "buy",
      "orderPrice":  "13.45",
      "orderQty":    "3.5",
      "filled":      "1.5",           // filled quantity
      "fee":         "0.00012",       // cumulative fee paid for this order
      "feeAsset":    "ETH",           // the asset
      "status":      "PartiallyFilled"

Get Fills of One Order (api_path=order/fills)

GET <account-group>/api/v1/order/fills/<coid>

Successful response: list of all fills of the order specified.

  "status": "success"
  "data": {
      "time":        1528988100000,
      "coid":        "xxx...xxx",     // the unique identifier, you will need
                                      // this value to cancel this order
      "symbol":      "ETH/BTC",
      "baseAsset":   "ETH",
      "quoteAsset":  "BTC",
      "side":        "buy",
      "orderPrice":  "13.45",
      "orderQty":    "3.5",
      "filled":      "1.5",           // filled quantity
      "fee":         "0.00012",       // cumulative fee paid for this order
      "feeAsset":    "ETH",           // the asset
      "status":      "PartiallyFilled"

Get Deposit address of one Asset (api_path=deposit)

POST <account-group>/api/v1/deposit/<asset>

The following are required in the request body

Request body schema: application/json

FieldName    FieldType    Example         Description
---------    ---------    -------         -----------
requestId    string       "xxx...xxx"     a unique identifier  
time         long         1528988100000   milliseconds since UNIX epoch in UTC  
assetCode    string       "ETH"       

Successful response: one object with the the deposit address associated with the authenticated user.

    "data": {
        "address": "0x481de74994f2ebf85d29b5462026af73b0d4e062"
    "email": "<your-email-address>",
    "status": "success"

Request withdrawal of one Asset (api_path=withdraw)

    POST <account-group>/api/v1/withdraw/<asset>

The following are required in the request body

Request body schema: application/json

FieldName    FieldType    Example         Description
---------    ---------    -------         -----------
requestId    string       "xxx...xxx"     a unique identifier  
time         long         1528988100000   milliseconds since UNIX epoch in UTC  
assetCode    string       "ETH"
amount       string       "5.0"
address      string       "0x481de74994f2ebf85d29b5462026af73b0d4e062"

A withdrawl requet can have 3 possible states:


    "msg": "Your withdrawal request is being processed.",
    "status": "success"


    "msg": "Your withdrawal request has been rejected.not enough position",
    "status": "error"

Need manual review:

    "msg": "We have received your withdrawal request and it is currently under manual review.",
    "status": "success"

WebSocket API

WebSocket entry point: wss://bitmax.io/<account-group>/api/stream/[symbol]

Similiar to Authenticated servers, BitMax assign dedicated servers to stream data to users in the same account group
via websocket. For instance, user in account group 3 will subscribe all ETH-BTC messages via:


Note: [symbol] in websocket connections must be seperated by a hyphen(-), e.g, ETH-BTC. Slash(/) is treated specially in URLs as path separators.

Websocket Authentication

Connecting to websocket API follows almost the same authentication process as the authenticated RESTful APIs. You need to add the following headers to your websocket request:

  • x-auth-key
  • x-auth-signature - the message signed using sha256 using the base64-decoded secret key on the prehash string {timestamp}+api/stream".
  • x-auth-timestamp

Once the websocket is connected, you need to send a subscribe message in order to start receiving data streams. Currently we stream three type of messages.

  • depth - market depth
  • marketTrades - market trades
  • order - client's own orders.

All webSocket messages are in JSON format and are very similar to RESTful APIs. However, the field names are shortened to reduce message size.

Subscribe to WebSocket Streams

After connecting to websocket, you need to send an subscribe message in order to start receiving data streams.

  "messageType":         "subscribe",  // message type

  "marketDepthLevel":    20,           // max number of price levels on
                                       // each side to be included in
                                       // the first market depth message  

  "recentTradeMaxCount": 20,           // max number of recent trades to
                                       // be included in the first market
                                       // trades message  

Market depth

Each market depth message is a JSON object containing the current quantity at specific prices levels. There is no direct way of getting the top-of-the-book data. You need to maintain the current depth book and derive the best bid/ask. This can be done by two steps:

  1. Use the first depth message to build the initial depth book.
  2. Use later messages to update the depth book. Messages contain the new total size at the indicated price level. You should replace the old quantity using message received. When the replacement quantity is zero, it means there is no order sitting on the corresponding price level.

All depth messages have the same structure:

   "m": "depth",             // message type
   "s": "ETH/BTC",           // symbol
   "asks": [                 // ask levels, could be empty
       ["13.45", "59.16"],   // price, quantity
       ["13.37", "95.04"],   
   "bids": [                 // bid levels, could be empty
       ["13.21", "60.17"],
       ["13,10", "13.39"],

Market Trades

Once you send the subscribe message, you will start receiving continuous market trade stream. All market trades messages follow the same structure, which contains one or more trades.

  "m": "marketTrades",      // message type
  "s": "ETH/BTC",           // symbol
  "trades": [
      "p":  "13.75",         // price
      "q":  "6.68",          // quantity
      "t":  1528988084944,   // timestamp
      "bm": False            // if true, the buyer is the market maker
      "p":  "13.75",         // price
      "q":  "6.68",          // quantity
      "t":  1528988084944,   // timestamp
      "bm": False            // if true, the buyer is the market maker

Market Summary

Each market summary data record contains current information about a single product. The data is streamed in batches - we stream out market data of all products every 5 seconds.

  "m":  "summary",
  "s":  "ETH/BTC",     // product symbol
  "ba": "ETH",         // base asset
  "qa": "BTC",         // quote asset 
  "i":  "1d",          // for market summary data, the interval is always 1d
  "t":  1528988000000, // timestamp in UTC
  "o":  "3.24",        // open
  "c":  "3.56",        // close
  "h":  "3.77",        // high
  "l":  "3.21",        // low
  "v":  "10.234",      // volume

Bar Chart Data

Bar data is almost the same as the market summary data, except that:

  • Message type is bar
  • There is only one symbol per websocket session
  • The interval field i may take multiple values: 1, 5, 30, 160, 360, 1d.

We stream bar data in batches. Every 10 seconds, we stream bar data messages at all interval levels. You may use these data to update bar chart directly (replace bars). However, you should also update the bar chart using the market trade messages.

  "m":  "summary",
  "s":  "ETH/BTC",     // product symbol
  "ba": "ETH",         // base asset
  "qa": "BTC",         // quote asset 
  "i":  "5",           // 1/5/30/60/360/1d
  "t":  1528988500000, // timestamp in UTC
  "o":  "3.24",        // open
  "c":  "3.56",        // close
  "h":  "3.77",        // high
  "l":  "3.21",        // low
  "v":  "10.234",      // volume

Order Management

With our websocket API, you can monitor the status of all your active orders, place new orders, and cancel existing orders.

Order updates

Once connected to websocket streams, you will start receiving real time updated of your own orders. It contains both order execution report and current balances.

  "m":      "order",            // message type
  "coid":   "xxx...xxx",        // client order id, need to cancel order
  "s":      "ETH/BTC",          // symbol
  "ba":     "ETH",              // base asset
  "qa":     "BTC",              // quote asset
  "t":       1528988100000,     // timestamp
  "p":      "13.45",            // order price
  "q":      "3.5",              // order quantity
  "f":      "1.5",              // filled quantity
  "ap":     "13.45",            // average price
  "bb":     "10.00",            // base asset total balance
  "bpb":    "12.00",            // base asset pending balance
  "qb":     "1.0",              // quote asset total balance
  "qpb":    "0.8513",           // quote asset pending balance
  "fee":    "0.00012",          // fee
  "fa":     "ETH",              // fee asset
  "side":   "buy",              // side
  "status": "PartiallyFilled"   // order status

Since only new order updates will be streamed, it is recommendated that you load the initial snap of all you orders using the RESTful API GET api/v1/order/open.

Place a New Order with WebSocket

To place a new order, you need to send to the server a newOrderRequest:

   "messageType": "newOrderRequest",
   "time":        1528988100000,  // current timestamp
   "coid":        "xxxx...xxx"    // a 32-character unique client order Id
   "symbol":      "ETH/BTC",      // symbol
   "orderPrice":  "2.23",         // order price
   "orderQty":    "34.3",         // order quantity
   "orderType":   "limit",        // always limit
   "side":        "buy"           // buy / sell

The client order Id field (coid) is a unique id to identify your order. Once the order is successfully placed, this Id will be echod back in the origCoid field of the order update message.

Cancel an Order with WebSocket

To cancel an order, you need send to the server a cancelOrderRequest:

  "messageType": "cancelOrderRequest",   // message type
  "time":        1528988100000,          // current timestamp
  "coid":        "xxxx...xxx",           // a 32-character unique client order Id
  "origCoid":    "yyyy...yyy",           // the coid of the order to be canceled   
  "symbol":      "ETH/BTC"               // symbol


BitMax API