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Funmi Adewodu

Skills | Projects | Education | Experience | Interests

I am a software developer in training at Makers Academy, one of the best coding bootcamps in Europe.

After my first degree in economics, I gained practical experience working in administrative and accounting roles until I finally took the leap to follow my dream of becoming a software developer.

I then successfully secured my first role as a software developer at Starling Bank, which I resume at the end of my training at Makers Academy. I am eager to adopt the best practices and to continue improving my skills as a developer while working in a supportive and dynamic environment.


Quick Learner

Since I started on my coding Journey, I have always been quickly pick up new technologies. From my first ever coding workshop with rails girls london, I went on to complete a coding course with Code First Girls and I worked on a project with my teammates: A static Website.

I then took part in a one month React course while also learning Javascript with different projects to show at the end of the course: A todo list app in React, A weather app in Javascript.

I also attended a one-day React Native course at CodeBar and worked a Snapchat app clone:

Growth Mindset

My adoption of a growth mindset has also been key to improving my skills as a developer. I believe that I am able to increase my technical, and problem-solving skills overtime through hard work, determination and perseverance. I have been commended by my mentors on my determination, as I have always sought out to achieve my goals.

Web Development

Before Makers, I always sought out learning opportunities and ways to improve my technical skills. I enjoyed attending hackathons as an accelerated way of learning about new technologies, to build interesting projects and to collaborate with other people.

  • I participated in an Accessible Tech in Employment hackathon on a team of four where I worked on the Front-end of the project and my team won the award for the most practical solution to help blind and visually impaired people:

  • I also took part in Starling Bank's first open API hackathon. I worked with my team on building a chatbot that provides insights about Starling bank user account:

Attention to Detail

My experience working in Administrative and accounting roles means I am able to pay close attention to fine details and easily spot discrepancies in my work. This comes in handy when writing code, debugging.


Project title Description Development timeframe Technologies
MoodSlider A webapp for movie recommendations based on your mood 3 Days JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Heroku
STEMGirls Website highlighting inspiring stories of women in Technology 2 weeks HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and GitHub Pages
Cinnamon An Interactive chatbot for your starling bank account 1 weekend Node.js,, JavaScript, Heroku

Technical Education

Makers Academy (June 2017 to September 2017)

A highly selective 16-week coding bootcamp in Europe.

  • Curiosity and passion for code
  • Independent learner and problem-solver
  • Software Craftsmanship
  • Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Node.js, Angular.js
  • Rspec, Jasmine, Mocha

CodeStorms (May 2017)

  • One month Introduction to React.Js: ES6 Basics, JSX, Lifecycle Methods and Testing React components.

Code First: Girls (January 2017 to March 2017)

  • Beginners Introduction to Web Development: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Git and GitHub

Additional Education

ACCA (January 2016 - December 2016)

  • Diploma in Business and Accounting.
  • Courses passed: Business Accounting, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Corporate and Business Law.

Babcock University (July 2010 to June 2014)

  • Bsc in Economics
  • Graduated with a 2:1


Cvs Brent (March 2016 to June 2017)
Accounts Assistant

Trinity Dental Services (January 2015 to October 2015)
Administrative Assistant



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