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Getty Connect API

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Getty Images Connect API

Our set of APIs enable seamless integration of Getty Images' expansive content, powerful search and rich metadata directly into your internal workflows, products and services. With Connect's API solutions, you can fully control, customize and scale as you grow.

The Connect API uses JSON over HTTP POST to allow you to build applications capable of search and download on Getty Images using an active download agreement.


  • Request credentials for our API via our portal.
  • We will reach out to you about starting a relationship and providing the credentials.
  • Familiarize yourself with the core concepts and the API operations.
  • Begin developing your application.


###Session operations

###Search operations

###Download operations

###Lightbox operations

##Core Concepts

###Authentication All operations in the Getty Images Connect API require an authentication token argument provided in the RequestHeader. An authentication token securely identifies the caller of an operation. When called, an operation checks the validity of the provided authentication token before executing the request. A malformed, invalid, or expired token causes an operation to fail.

Clients get authentication tokens by authenticating themselves using the CreateSession operation. Clients are required to provide the participant system's credentials and a specific user's credentials. Authenticating using only system credentials results in anonymous tokens. Providing user credentials results in a fully authenticated token. Fully authenticated tokens are generally required by all operations in the Getty Images Connect API.

###Secure-Only Operations Some operations are secure only. These operation must be called over an SSL connection with a secure token. They include CreateSession, RenewSession, and CreateDownloadRequest.

The required combination of passing a secure token over SSL prevents a "man-in-the-middle" exploitation where an attacker sniffs tokens from a non-SSL connection, then uses the token to impersonate the client, thereby possibly gaining access to sensitive information or processes. Operations that could expose sensitive data only accept secure tokens over SSL. As long as these tokens are always and only passed over SSL, attackers can never acquire a secure token with which to impersonate a valid customer.

Secure authentication tokens are provided by CreateSession operation. Secure tokens are essentially the same as standard tokens, with the difference that secure tokens can only be used over SSL connections. Calling any operation with a secure token over a non-SSL connection will result in an error.

###Token Expiration and Renewal Tokens expire after 30 minutes. Clients can renew a token before it expires by using the RenewSession operation, without having to provide credentials again. We recommend clients track each token's time-to-expiration, and pro-actively call
RenewSession prior to the token's expiration.


Getty Connect API