fumieval / Haskell-breaking-changes

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This document describes a list of upcoming/proposed changes to Haskell core/de facto libraries.

  • Ongoing: the change is already rolled out.
  • Upcoming: the change is made upstream, and will be released in near future.
  • Planned: the change has been approved by the committee. Implementation is not necessaryly available

Ongoing: Word8#

Upcoming: Remove Control.Monad.Trans.List

Upcoming: Remove Control.Monad.Trans.Error

  • Summary: Control.Monad.Trans.Error is removed in favour of Control.Monad.Trans.Except.
  • Reason: ErrorT imposes an Error constraint, making it difficult to use as a general-purpose Either transformer.
  • ETA: GHC 9.4 / transformers-0.6
  • Expected breakage: medium
  • Tracking issue: N/A
  • Patch: https://hub.darcs.net/ross/transformers/patch/7c809b6f9db019ed761c971d10c86fa004f60d89
  • How to fix: remove instance declarations for ErrorT and switch to ExceptT

Upcoming: Monomorphise Data.List

  • Summary: Foldable/Traversable-polymorphic functions in Data.List get specialised to []
  • Reason: There's a custom importing Data.List unqualified, making additions like singleton and uncons controversial. Making the list API monomorphic and encouraging to import it qualified make it more consistent with other container modules.
  • ETA: GHC 9.6 / base-4.18?
  • Proposal: https://groups.google.com/g/haskell-core-libraries/c/q3zHLmzBa5E/m/OrHHKaJNAQAJ?pli=1
  • Tracking issue: #20025
  • Merge request: !5304 https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/5107
  • Expected breakage: significant
  • Relevant warnings: -Wcompat-unqualified-imports (implied by -Wcompat)
  • How to fix: import Data.List qualified or explicitly import functions that don't conflict with Foldable/Traversable variants

Planned: forall becomes a keyword

  • Summary: 'forall' will become a keyword at the term level
  • Reason: Making Type-level and term-level syntax more consistent is a way forward to introduce dependent types
  • Proposal: Visible 'forall' in types of terms
  • ETA: GHC 9.10?
  • Tracking issue: N/A
  • Merge request: N/A
  • Expected breakage: minor (authors of the affected packages were notified)
  • Relevant warnings: -Wforall-identifier (introduced and enabled by default in GHC 9.4)
  • How to fix: Rename identifiers

Planned: remove return from Monad

  • Summary: return gets removed from the Monad class and becomes a top-level function defined as return = pure
  • Reason: Now that Monad is a subclass of Applicative, return is completely redundant (it doesn't make sense if return is not pure).
  • Proposal: GHC wiki: monad-of-no-return, related: Enable -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances and -Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances by default
  • ETA: Unknown
  • Tracking issue: N/A
  • Merge request: N/A
  • Expected breakage: minor (canonical definition of return will be ignored)
  • Relevant warnings: -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances (enabled by default as of GHC 9.2)
  • How to fix: Remove definitions of return (compatible up to GHC 7.10)

Planned: remove mappend from Monoid

  • Summary: mappend gets removed from the Monoid class and becomes a top-level function defined as mappend = (<>)
  • Reason: Since Semigroup is a superclass of Monoid, mappend does not have to be defined.
  • Proposal: GHC wiki: semigroup-monoid, related: Enable -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances and -Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances by default
  • ETA: Unknown
  • Tracking issue: N/A
  • Merge request: N/A
  • Expected breakage: major (without an update to the warning)
  • Relevant warnings: -Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances (enabled by default as of GHC 9.2)
  • How to fix: Remove definitions of mappend (compatible up to GHC 8.4)
  • TODO: make -Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances warn manual declarations of mappend

Planned: remove (/=) from the the Eq class

  • Summary: (/=) gets removed from the Eq class and becomes a top-level function defined as a /= b = not (a == b)
  • Reason: The only valid semantics of x /= y is not (x == y); unlike compare vs (<=), there's no room for any performance improvements.
  • Proposal: haskell/core-libraries-committee#3
  • ETA: Unknown
  • Tracking issue: N/A
  • Merge request: N/A
  • Expected breakage: 131 packages according to the proposal
  • How to fix: Remove definitions of (/=) (backward-compatible)

Planned: disable StarIsType by default

  • Summary: * will no longer be parsed as a kind of value types (Type).
  • Reason: Special treatment to * complicates the syntax and prevents the use of it as a type operator.
  • Proposal: ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals#143
  • ETA: Unknown
  • Tracking issue: N/A
  • Merge request: N/A
  • Expected breakage: medium
  • Relevant warnings: -Wstar-is-type
  • How to fix: Replace * with Type (from Data.Kind)

See also
