fulldecent / FDChessboardView

An iOS / Mac view controller for chess boards

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CI Status Version License Platform Carthage compatible


  • High resolution graphics
  • Customizable themes and game graphics
  • Supports all single board chess variants: suicide, losers, atomic, etc.
  • Supports games with odd piece arrangement and non-standard castling (Fisher 960)
  • Very clean API, this is just a view
  • Supports a minimum deployment target of iOS 8 or OS X Mavericks (10.9)


Add FDChessboardView to your project using Swift Package Manager. In Xcode that is simply: File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency... and you're done. Alternative installations options are shown below for legacy projects.


If you are already using CocoaPods, just add 'FDChessboardView' to your Podfile then run pod install.


If you are already using Carthage, just add to your Cartfile:

github "fulldecent/FDChessboardView" ~> 0.1

Then run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built FDChessboardView.framework into your Xcode project.


Import the project and implement a data source:

import FDChessboardView

public protocol FDChessboardViewDataSource: class {
    /// What piece is on the square?
    func chessboardView(_ board: FDChessboardView, pieceForSquare square: FDChessboardSquare) -> FDChessboardPiece?

    /// The last move
    func chessboardViewLastMove(_ board: FDChessboardView) -> (from:FDChessboardSquare, to:FDChessboardSquare)?

    /// The premove
    func chessboardViewPremove(_ board: FDChessboardView) -> (from:FDChessboardSquare, to:FDChessboardSquare)?

If your application will allow the pieces to be moved, implement a delegate:

public protocol FDChessboardViewDelegate: class {
    /// Where can this piece move to?
    func chessboardView(_ board: FDChessboardView, legalDestinationsForPieceAtSquare from: FDChessboardSquare) -> [FDChessboardSquare]

    /// Before a move happenes
    func chessboardView(_ board: FDChessboardView, canMoveFrom from: FDChessboardSquare, to: FDChessboardSquare, withPromotion promotion: FDChessboardPiece?) -> Bool

    /// After a move happened
    func chessboardView(_ board: FDChessboardView, didMoveFrom from: FDChessboardSquare, to: FDChessboardSquare, withPromotion promotion: FDChessboardPiece?)

Then you can customize the view or call certain actions:

/// The location of a square on a chess board
public struct FDChessboardSquare: Hashable {
    /// From 0...7 (a...h)
    public let file: Int
    /// From 0...7 (white king starting position to black king starting position)
    public let rank: Int

/// The pieces on a chess board
public enum FDChessboardPiece: String {
    case WhitePawn
    case BlackPawn
    case WhiteKnight
    case BlackKnight
    case WhiteBishop
    case BlackBishop
    case WhiteRook
    case BlackRook
    case WhiteQueen
    case BlackQueen
    case WhiteKing
    case BlackKing

/// Display for a chess board
@IBDesignable open class FDChessboardView: UIView {
    @IBInspectable open var lightBackgroundColor: UIColor
    @IBInspectable open var darkBackgroundColor: UIColor
    open var targetBackgroundColor: UIColor
    open var legalBackgroundColor: UIColor
    open var lastMoveColor: UIColor
    open var premoveColor: UIColor
    open weak var dataSource: FDChessboardViewDataSource?
    open weak var delegate: FDChessboardViewDelegate?
    open var doesAnimate: Bool
    open var doesShowLegalSquares: Bool
    open var doesShowLastMove: Bool
    open var doesShowPremove: Bool

    /// Add a piece onto the board
    open func setPiece(_ piece: FDChessboardPiece?, forSquare square: FDChessboardSquare)

    /// Repull all board information from data source
    open func reloadData()

    /// Move a piece on the board, clears any prior premove
    open func move(_ piece: FDChessboardPiece, from: FDChessboardSquare, to: FDChessboardSquare, promotedTo promoted: FDChessboardPiece?)
    /// Premove a piece on the board, clears any prior premove
    open func premove(_ piece: FDChessboardPiece, from: FDChessboardSquare, to: FDChessboardSquare, promotedTo promoted: FDChessboardPiece?)
    /// Removes any premove on the board
    open func clearPremove()
    /// Move a piece on the board, clears any prior premove
    open func unmove(_ piece: FDChessboardPiece, from: FDChessboardSquare, to: FDChessboardSquare, promotedTo promoted: FDChessboardPiece?, capturing: FDChessboardPiece)

Upcoming features

These following items are in the API for discussion and awaiting implementation:

  • Display for last move
  • Mutable game state (i.e. can move the pieces)
  • Animation for piece moves
  • Highlighting of legal squares for a piece after begin dragging
  • Premove

See also

See also Kibitz for Mac which is making a comeback https://github.com/fulldecent/kibitz


FDChessboardView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


An iOS / Mac view controller for chess boards

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 99.4%Language:Ruby 0.6%