fukouda / Supreme-Manga

A manga reader site built in PHP. Utilises a public API and Bootstrap to display content.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Supreme Manga - Deprecated!

I haven't had the time to maintain this project lately since I've been going to school full-time. The API has also been taken down, the code is still up to view; however it is now deprecated.

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A manga-reading site built in PHP. Utilises the 'mangascrape' public API to pull data from http://mangafox.me, http://mangareader.net, and http://mangastream.com.

Consequently, Supreme Manga loads a responsive web interface using Bootstrap to present the data from the API. This lets it function like a manga reader.




Supreme Manga uses a number of open source projects to work properly:


To-do List

  • API Call and Return
  • Homepage
  • Search Results Page
  • Reader page
  • Manga List page with index from A - Z.
  • User recommended manga based on their recent searches'
  • Manga List (encode and decode from JSON)
  • Fix design elements
  • Automated 'Top Manga' and 'Recent Updates'
  • Upload object-oriented version of script


A manga reader site built in PHP. Utilises a public API and Bootstrap to display content.


Language:PHP 95.9%Language:JavaScript 3.1%Language:CSS 0.9%Language:ApacheConf 0.1%