This software is developed with SBCL 1.0.32 on MacOS 10.6.
Depends on CLSQL and cl-ppcre.
asdf-install should resolve dependencies, but not works better. So, you may have to ensure CLSQL is installed before. That's very problematic. Good luck.
$ cd ~/.sbcl/site
$ git clone git://
$ ln -s gotanda/gotanda.asd ../systems
$ sbcl
* (require 'asdf)
* (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :gotanda)
Have another problem? Report me.
* (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :gotanda)
* (got:create-task :body "Buy Milk")
$ sbcl --load src/cli/build.lisp
;; blah blah blah
;; ..created an executable script, "got"
$ got
">" is a prompt. Then you can do below actions.
- all
- tag #hashtag
- #hashtag (same as above)
- create "body" "yyyy-MM-dd(deadline)"
- edit
- delete
- complete (not implemented yet)
First, start "got" and see all tasks.
$ got
> all
1: Buy Milk #shopping
2: Read "SoftwareDesign"
3: Fix Bugs
The numbers on the left side of each lines are index for next action. You can choose a task to type the number.
If you were to edit 2nd task,
> 2
What Action?>
...the prompt of next line was changed.
What Action?> edit
Body?> Read "SoftwareDesign" carefully
Deadline> [Return]
So, the 2nd task is changed.
> all
1: Buy Milk #shopping
2: Read "SoftwareDesign" carefully
3: Fix Bugs
You can filter the tasks with #hashtag.
> #shopping
1: Buy Milk #shopping
- Command line program
- Synchronize with a Web server
- Web interface
- Port to ECL
- iPhone & Android client
- Bookmarklet
- iGoogle Gadget
Gotanda List uses lisp-unit for testing.
* (require 'asdf-install)
* (asdf-install:install "")
Copyright (C) 2010 Eitarow Fukamachi