fuding / WiseNoDevFee

Ethereum NoDevFee: Support for GMiner, Phoenix Miner, Claymore, NBMiner, lolMiner, TeamRedMiner,T-Rex Miner, miniZ/老矿工以太坊反抽水软件,支持大多数主流内核和主流币种(eth, rvn,ergo,cfx等),仅供内部参考学习

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ethereum No DevFee, Support for GMiner, Phoenix Miner, NBMiner, T-Rex, lolMiner, ClaymoreMiner, miniZ Support pool and wallet,pool account, worker name. Support coin: ETH, ETC, RVN, ERGO, CFX, AE, SERO etc. NoDevFee.

支持主流9种内核反抽水,支持包括ETH及其他主流币种反水,包括:ETH, ETC, RVN, ERGO, CFX, SERO, AE等。

《About WiseNoDevFee》
《WiseNoDevFee 使用说明》
《WiseNoDevFee API》
《MinerProxy 矿池代理》

About WiseNoDevFee

##Supports all mainstream Miners No DevFee##

After decompressing the compressed file, run the WiseNoDevFee.exe file to start No DevFee. By default, the kernel will be returned to the current mining wallet address, and the interception share will be automatically printed if the anti-water is successful.

A brief description of the following functions:

  1. Support the redirection of the pumped share to the designated mining pool and wallet address.
  2. Support mining pool account and miner name setting.
  3. Support automatic operation after booting.

For more help and suggestions, please move to the github website: https://github.com/MinerProxy/WiseNoDevFee

Exchange QQ group: 583118085 (Miners NoDevFee Alliance) Welcome to join the miners exchange group to help miners optimize various graphics cards overclocking.

Version update instructions:

V1.0.26 2021-09-14

  1. Fix the gminer connection problem, fix the gminer interception address to increase the interception rate
  2. Fix the network connection problem of the mining pool
  3. Improve the tips for intercepting wallets
  4. Add IPV6 support and fix the problem that Phoenix 5.7b cannot be intercepted when IPV6 is available
  5. Fix ergo anti-water update, currently supports NBMiner/T-Rex
  6. Increase the ease of pumping interception by miners
  7. Increase the timeout error message of the anti-water connection to the mining pool
  8. Added the function of checking for updates and updating the latest version online
  9. Add current directory log.txt log
  10. Fix eth+zil double mining anti-water login failure problem
  11. Add the function of restarting failure retry to solve the problem that the automatic startup sometimes fails because the network is not connected.
  12. Fix the incorrect name of mine pools such as Spark

V1.0.19 2021-08-30

  1. Add new coin NoDevFee: ETC, RVN, ERGO, CFX, AE, SERO

V1.0.18 2021-08-25

  1. Fix the problem that some machines cannot be started
  2. Added automatic display of simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, and English

V1.0.17 2021-08-21

  1. Fix dual mining ETH+ZIL address error
  2. Add miniZ interception

V1.0.16 2021-08-18

  1. Fix the mine pool error can not be blocked when using open source

V1.0.14 2021-08-18

  1. Fix automatic download error, dynamic library operation error may occur
  2. Fix the save error of the total number of interceptions
  3. Fully Internationalization

V1.0.13 2021-08-16

  1. Add automatic update function
  2. Increase the total number of interceptions to save

V1.0.12 2021-08-15

  1. Upgrade to the internal official version, the version number starts from 1.0
  2. Anti-water support adds 8 mainstream cores
  3. Linux version and hiveOS and other OS versions are under development, so stay tuned.
  4. This version is for internal reference only, please guarantee the rights of kernel software developers!

V0.8 2021-07-28

  1. Add a more comprehensive interception address
  2. Fixed the bug that caused the anti-water to hang
  3. Fix the problem that settings will be lost after automatic restart

V0.7 2021-07-24

  1. Add a custom mining pool and rewrite the configuration file to the local ini file
  2. Fix the issue of individual address interception
  3. Fix the interception problem caused by the new protocol of the mining pool
  4. Added click the close button to minimize to the notification bar to prevent accidental closing of the program

V0.5 2021-07-22

  1. Modify some bugs that cannot be blocked by mining pools
  2. Join the Spark Backup Mine Pool
  3. Automatically clean up the registry of the pumping software that has long-stayed at startup

V0.3 2021-07-22

  1. Add auto start and auto run
  2. Add check for updates and automatically open the download address of the webpage

V0.2 2021-07-21

  1. Added mining pool account support, which is convenient for those who have an account to return the pumping to their own mining pool account.
  2. Add the name of the miner's machine
  3. Now after setting the mine pool address and wallet address, it can be automatically saved.

V0.1 2021-07-20 According to my own anti-water experience, we should develop this internal version for anti-kernel based on the suggestions of mine friends Pumping, currently only supports GMiner, Phoenix Miner, although the intercepting kernel pumping Compared to personal computing power, it’s nothing, but as the saying goes, "flies are also meat", and they can earn money over the years. Not a little electricity bill.

This software is only for internal reference, learning, and communication. Don't use it for profit-making purposes or other bad effects!


将压缩文件解压之后,运行WiseNoDevFee.exe文件即可开始反抽水, 缺省会把内核抽水返还到当前挖矿钱包地址,反水成功会自动打印拦截份额。 支持除ETH外其他主流币种反水,包括:ETC, RVN, ERGO, CFX, SERO, AE等。


  1. 支持将抽水份额重定向到指定的矿池和钱包地址。
  2. 支持矿池账户和矿工名称设定。
  3. 支持开机自动运行。

更多帮助和建议,请移步github网站: https://github.com/MinerProxy/WiseNoDevFee

交流QQ群:583118085 (矿工反抽水联盟) 欢迎加入矿工交流群,群里帮助矿友各种显卡超频调优。


V1.0.25 2021-09-14

  1. 修复gminer连接问题, 修复了gminer拦截地址提高拦截率
  2. 修复矿池网络连接问题
  3. 完善拦截钱包提示
  4. 增加IPV6支持,修复Phoenix 5.7b在有IPV6时拦截不到的问题
  5. 修复ergo反水更新,目前支持NBMiner/T-Rex
  6. 增加轻松矿工抽水拦截
  7. 增加反水连接矿池超时错误提示
  8. 增加检查更新可以在线更新最新版本功能
  9. 增加当前目录log.txt日志
  10. 修复eth+zil双挖反水登录失败问题
  11. 增加启动失败重试功能,解决自动启动有时因网络未连接导致启动失败
  12. 修复星火等矿池矿机名错误

V1.0.19 2021-08-30

  1. 增加ETC, RVN, ERGO, CFX, AE, SERO等新币种反抽水
  2. 修复有些内核启动多线程抽水问题

V1.0.18 2021-08-25

  1. 修复有些机器无法启动问题
  2. 增加简体中文、繁体中文、英文自动显示

V1.0.17 2021-08-21

  1. 修复双挖ETH+ZIL地址错误
  2. 增加miniZ拦截

V1.0.16 2021-08-18

  1. 修复使用开源会出现矿池错误无法拦截

V1.0.14 2021-08-18

  1. 修复自动下载错误,可能出现动态库运行错误
  2. 修复总计拦截次数保存错误
  3. 全面国际化

V1.0.13 2021-08-16

  1. 增加自动更新功能
  2. 增加总计拦截次数保存

V1.0.12 2021-08-15

  1. 升级为内部正式版本,版本号从1.0开始
  2. 反水支持增加8种主流内核
  3. Linux版本和hiveOS等OS版本正在开发中,敬请期待。
  4. 本版本仅供内部参考使用,请保证内核软件开发者权益!

V0.8 2021-07-28

  1. 增加更全面的拦截地址
  2. 修复了导致反水会挂起的错误
  3. 修复自动重启后,自动反抽会丢失设置问题

V0.7 2021-07-24

  1. 增加自定义矿池,配置文件改写到本地ini文件
  2. 修复个别地址拦截问题
  3. 修复矿池新协议引起的拦截问题
  4. 增加点击关闭按钮最小化到通知栏,防止意外关闭程序

V0.5 2021-07-22

  1. 修改某些矿池不能拦截的错误
  2. 加入星火备份矿池
  3. 自动清理某源长期驻留开机启动抽水软件注册表

V0.3 2021-07-22

  1. 增加自动启动和自动运行
  2. 增加检查更新自动打开网页下载地址

V0.2 2021-07-21

  1. 增加矿池账号支持,方便有账号的将抽水返回到自己矿池账号中。
  2. 增加矿工机器名称
  3. 现在设置矿池地址和钱包地址后,能自动保存。

V0.1 2021-07-20 根据自己反水经验,应矿友们建议,开发此内部使用版本,用来反内核 抽水,目前仅支持GMiner, 凤凰内核(Phoenix Miner),虽然拦截内核抽 相较于个人算力而言不算什么,但俗话说“苍蝇也是肉”,经年累积也能赚 些许电费不嘛。


Donations ETH: 0xafe46b286687c407290adbc54d6ff8e1eb4f11ed


Ethereum NoDevFee: Support for GMiner, Phoenix Miner, Claymore, NBMiner, lolMiner, TeamRedMiner,T-Rex Miner, miniZ/老矿工以太坊反抽水软件,支持大多数主流内核和主流币种(eth, rvn,ergo,cfx等),仅供内部参考学习

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 98.5%Language:C 1.5%