ftphikari / aajonus.online

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

# Prerequisites for serving:
* Linux server
* Compiled binary

## Serving
1. Copy the aajonus.online executable to the server
2. Run it (-p stands for port):

  ~/bin/aajonus.online -p 8080 >> ~/aajonus.log 2>&1 &

3. If there was an update, server can to be restarted with:

  pid=$(pgrep aajonus.online)
  kill "$pid" && tail --pid="$pid" -f /dev/null
  ~/bin/aajonus.online -p 8080 >> ~/aajonus.log 2>&1 &

# Prerequisites for compilation:
* Installed Go (for example on Ubuntu the package is called `golang-go`)
* Any OS that runs Go (Go can build binaries to any OS from any OS)

## Compilation (for Unix-like)

  $ sh build.sh

This will create a file aajonus.online is the directory




Language:Go 64.7%Language:CSS 25.4%Language:HTML 9.3%Language:Shell 0.6%