fthomas / tut

doc/tutorial generator for scala

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How'd you get so funky?

tut is a very simple documentation tool for Scala programs that reads Markdown files and interprets code in tut sheds. So you add tut as an sbt plugin and then you can write tutorials that are typechecked and run as part of your build. The idea is to have tutorial code that is never out of sync with the code it's documenting.

The current version is 0.3.2, which runs on Scala 2.10 and 2.11.

Recent Notable Changes
  • Version 0.3.2 adds support for compiler plugins and scalacOptions defined in (Compile, doc); these are propagated to tut REPL sessions. This has been tested with kind-projector and works fine. Also new is the invisible modifier for interpreting a block but producing no output at all.
  • Version 0.3.1 improves error reporting, removes confusing caching behavior, and removes the dependency on scalaz.
  • version 0.3.0 was a breaking change with previous versions! tut now looks for tut sheds rather than scala sheds, so existing documentation will need to be modified when you upgrade.
Projects Using tut

These are just the ones I know about. If you are using tut for your doc give me a shout and I'll add to this list.


tut looks for code in tut sheds and (by default) replaces it with what you would see if you had pasted the code into a REPL. As an example, the input file

Here is how you add numbers:
1 + 1

is rewritten as

Here is how you add numbers:
scala> 1 + 1
res0: Int = 2    

The code runs from top to bottom (imports and definitions from earlier code blocks are available in subsequent blocks), with a new REPL session for each input file.

You can follow tut with any number of colon-prefixed modifiers to alter the way a block is interpreted.

  • Normally an error in interpretation causes the buid to fail, but if you want to include an example that fails to compile you can add the nofail modifier.
  • If you don't want REPL prompts or responses you can use the silent modifier. Code is still interpreted and errors will cause the build to fail, but no REPL output will appear. If you want no output at all (i.e., even your code is hidden) use invisible.
  • If you don't want Scala syntax highlighting, use the plain modifier.

For example

This won't compile:

Note that if you want a code block that is not interpreted at all, just use a normal scala shed; tut doesn't touch these.

Setting Up

Add the following to project/plugins.sbt in your project to add SBT shell commands:

resolvers += Resolver.url(

addSbtPlugin("org.tpolecat" % "tut-plugin" % "0.3.2")

And add the following to build.sbt for the tut runtime, which must run alongside your code:


This will add the following to your SBT world:

  • tut is a task that interprets all files in tutSourceDirectory (src/main/tut by default) and writes output to target/<scala-version>/tut. If the code fails to compile or otherwise barfs, you will get a message that directs you to the file and line where the failure happened, along with the REPL error, and the build will fail ... except for failures that are in a tut:nofail block, which are still reported in output but are ignored for the purposes of build success.
  • tutScalacOptions is a list of scalac options to pass to REPL sessions; by default this value is taken from scalacOptions in (Compile, doc). tutPluginJars is a list of plugin jarfiles to add to REPL sessions; by default this list is derived from plugins found in libraryDependencies in (Compile, doc). It is unlikely that you will need to change either of these; typically you want tut to use the same settings you use in your library code.

Integration with sbt-site

Tut is designed to work seamlessly with sbt-site so that your checked tutorials can be incorporated into your website.

Add the following to project/plugins.sbt in your project to add SBT shell commands:

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-site" % "0.8.1")

Then in your build sbt, link the files generated by tut to your site generation:

project("name").settings(site.addMappingsToSiteDir(tut, "tut"))

When the buildSite task is run in sbt, the typechecked tutorials from src/main/tut will be incorporated with the site generated by sbt-site in target/site.


  • Each tutorial is an independent REPL session, and the code examples run from top to bottom.
  • Code in tut sheds will be interpreted. Anything in your dependencies will be available. Interpreted code runs with the same classpath as (Compile, doc) with the addition of the tut runtime.
  • Blank lines in sheds are ignored. Multi-line definitions work, but :paste style definitions (for mutual recursion for example) don't work [yet].
  • ANSI escapes in REPL output are filtered out.

Complaints and other Feedback

Feedback of any kind is always appreciated.

Issues and PR's are welcome, or just find me on Twitter or #scala on FreeNode or on gitter.


doc/tutorial generator for scala

License:MIT License


Language:Scala 100.0%