fsw / php-coding-standards

Style guide for writing consistent PHP for WordPress projects.

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Inpsyde PHP Coding Standards

PHP 7+ coding standards for Inpsyde WordPress projects.


The code styles are enforced via the popular php_codesniffer and can be installed via Composer by the name inpsyde/php-coding-standards.

It means they can be installed by adding the entry to composer.json require-dev:

	"require-dev": {
		"inpsyde/php-coding-standards": "^0.13"

or via command line with:

$ composer require inpsyde/php-coding-standards --dev


Basic usage

When the package is installed via Composer, and dependencies are updated, everything is ready and the coding standards can be checked via:

$ vendor/bin/phpcs --standard="Inpsyde" <path>

Where <path> is at least one file or directory to check, e.g.:

$ vendor/bin/phpcs --standard="Inpsyde" ./src/ ./my-plugin.php

On Windows it would be something like:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs.bat --standard="Inpsyde" ./src/ ./my-plugin.php

There are many options that can be used to customise the behavior of the command, to get documentation use:

$ vendor/bin/phpcs --help

Configuration File

To do not have to pass all the arguments to the command line, and to also be able to do customization it is also possible to create a phpcs.xml.dist file that contains something like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="MyProjectCodingStandard">

	<description>My Project coding standard.</description>


	<config name="text_domain" value="my-project"/>

	<rule ref="Inpsyde"/>


Such a configuration allows to run the code style check with only:

$ vendor/bin/phpcs

Moreover, thanks to the text_domain setting, Code Sniffer will also check that all WP internationalization functions are called with the proper text domain.

Included rules

PSR-1 & PSR-2

See http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-1/ and http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/.

The tree of used rules are listed in the /docs/rules-list/psr.md file in this repo.

Neutron Standard

See https://github.com/Automattic/phpcs-neutron-standard

Almost all Neutron Standard rules are included.

The tree of used rules are listed in the /docs/rules-list/neutron-standard.md file in this repo.

WordPress Coding Standard

To ensure code quality, and compatibility with VIP, several WordPress Coding Standard rules have been "cherry picked" from WP coding standards.

See https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards.

The tree of used rules are listed in the /docs/rules-list/wordpress.md file in this repo.


See https://github.com/wimg/PHPCompatibility.

It allows to analyse code for compatibility with higher and lower versions of PHP. The default target version is PHP 7.0+.

Target version can be changed via custom phpcs.xml.

Generic Rules

Some rules are also included from PHP cCode Sniffer itself. Those rules fall in the "Generic", "Squiz" and "PEAR" namespace.

Those rules are included by other styles, mainly by PSR-1 and PSR-2.

The tree of used rules are listed in the /docs/rules-list/generic.md file in this repo.

Custom Rules

Some custom rules are also in use. They are:

Sniff name Description Has Config Has Notes Auto-Fixable
ArgumentTypeDeclarationSniff Enforce argument type declaration, with few exception (e.g. hook callbacks or ArrayAccess methods)
AssignmentInsideConditionSniff Ensure that any assignment inside conditions in wrapped in parenthesis
DisallowShortOpenTagSniff Disallow short open PHP tag (short echo tag allowed).
ElementNameMinimalLengthSniff Use minimum 3 chars for names (with a few exclusions)
ForbiddenPublicPropertySniff No public class properties
FunctionBodyStartSniff Handle blank line at start of function body when necessary.
FunctionLengthSniff Max 50 lines per function/method, excluding blank lines and comments-only lines.
HookClosureReturnSniff Ensure that actions callbacks do not return anything, while filter callbacks return something.
LineLengthSniff Max 100 chars per line, excluding leading indent space and long string in WP translation functions
NoAccessorsSniff Discourage usage of getters and setters.
NoElseSniff Discourage usage of else.
NoTopLevelDefineSniff Discourage usage of define where const is preferable.
PropertyPerClassLimitSniff Discourage usage of more than 10 properties per class.
Psr4Sniff Check PSR-4 compliance
ReturnTypeDeclarationSniff Enforce return type declaration, with few exceptions (e.g. hook callbacks or ArrayAccess methods)
VariablesNameSniff Check variable (and properties) names

For notes and configuration see /docs/rules-list/inpsyde-rules-configuration.md file in this repo.

The tree of rules are listed in the /docs/rules-list/custom.md file in this repo.

Removing or Disabling Rules

Rules Tree

Sometimes it is necessary to don't follow some rules. To avoid error reporting is is possible to:

  • Removing rules for an entire project via configuration
  • Disabling rules from code, only is specific places

In both cases it is possible to remove or disable:

  • a whole standard
  • a standard subset
  • a single sniff
  • a single rules

The for things above are in hierarchical relationship: a standard is made of one or more subset, each subset contains one or more sniff and each sniff contains one or more rule.

The folder /docs/rules-list/ of this repo contains 6 files, each of them contain the rules tree for one (or few related) standard(s).

For example, in the file docs/rules-list/psr.md is is possible to read something like:

- PSR1
    - PSR1.Classes
        - PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration
            - PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MultipleClasses


  • "PSR1" is the standard
  • "PSR1.Classes" is the subset
  • "PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration" is the sniff
  • "PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MultipleClasses" is the rule

Remove rules via configuration file

Rules can be removed for the entire project by using a custom phpcs.xml, with a syntax like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="MyProjectCodingStandard">

	<rule ref="Inpsyde">
		<exclude name="PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration"/>


In the example above, the sniff PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration (and all the rules it contains) has been removed.

Replacing PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration with just PSR1 had been possible to remove the whole standard, while replacing it with PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MultipleClasses only the single rule is removed.

Remove rules via code comments

If it is necessary to remove a rule/sniff/standard subset/standard only in specific place in the code, it is possible to use special comments that starts with:

// phpcs:disable

followed by the what you want to to remove.

For example: // phpcs:disable PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.

From the point the comment is encountered to the end of the file, the requested rule/sniff/standard subset/standard is not checked anymore.

To re-enable it is necessary to use a similar syntax, but this time using phpcs:enable instead of phpcs:disable.

It worth nothing:

  • phpcs:disable and phpcs:enable can be used without anything else, in this case the check for all rules are disabled/enabled.
  • Disabling / enabling comments could be embedded in doc block comments at file/class/method level. For example:
class Foo
     * @param mixed $a
     * @param mixed $b
     * phpcs:disable NeutronStandard.Functions.TypeHint.NoArgumentType
    public function test($a, $b)
        // phpcs:enable

IDE integration


After having installed the package as explained above in the "Installation" section, open PhpStorm settings, and navigate the settings:

Language & Frameworks -> PHP -> Code Sniffer

There will be a dropdown with label "Configuration", choose "Local". Next to the dropdown there will be a button with "..." and once clicked will show a dialog were it is possible to select the path for the Code Sniffer executable. Navigate inside the vendor folder a found the file: /vendor/bin/phpcs (phpcs.bat in Windows).

Next to the input for path selection there's a button "Validate", click it, if everything is fine a success message will be shown.

At this point navigate to the settings:

Editor -> Inspections

From the list of inspections, expand the "PHP" one and scroll down to "PHP Code Sniffer validation" to enable it.

When selecting "PHP Code Sniffer validation" inspections, on the right there a dropdown to select the code style.

If you have created a phpcs.xml file, select "Custom" as standard, then using the "..." button next to the dropdown for standard selection, you can pick the phpcs.xml file. In case of no phpcs.xml present, it is possible to select "Inpsyde" standard from the dropdown. If "Inpsyde" is not present in the dropdown, click the "refresh" icon next to the dropdown.

Now PhpStorm integration is complete, and errors in the codestyle will be shown in the IDE editor so can be recognized without running any command at all.


Style guide for writing consistent PHP for WordPress projects.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%