fsr / fruitbasket

[MIRROR] ❄️ Infrastructure configuration for FSR-operated machines

Home Page:https://git.ifsr.de/wurzel/fruitbasket

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Infrastructure configuration for FSR-operated machines

This repository contains the NixOS configuration files for FSR machines.

Machines configured by this repository:

  • quitte (new server predestined to run all important services)


Clone this repository on the target machine to /etc/nixos and build the desired host configuration e.g.

# you may need to copy the generated hardware-configuration.nix to hosts/<hostname>/hardware-configuraion.nix
nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#<hostname>

Tips and Tricks

Resolving merge conflicts in sops files

Required steps

  1. Manually resolve the conflicts in the encrypted file
  2. Open the file using sops --ignore-mac secrets/<hostname>.yml
  3. Change one letter in one of the yml entries to let sops know it has to regenerate the MAC
  4. Close the file. Open it again and revert the change you just did in step 3.


[MIRROR] ❄️ Infrastructure configuration for FSR-operated machines



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